Exercise your eyes?

in #health8 years ago

They are just as important to exercise as the rest of you.

Eyes have muscles as well as your body and they need exercise to keep them in great shape especially if you are on a computer all day. The problem in modern society is that many of us are resorting to constant staring at a fixed distance and location like your computer or smart device. They also emit light which keeps the pupil closed and fixed at a constant, with no fluctuation from dilation to constriction, thus weakening the eye through repetitive stress.


Before we get into the exercises lets first look more closely at the eyes... you realize that doctors and emergency medical professionals always check the eyes first. They want to see eye reaction with pupil response as well as eye travel. This can indicate severe head and r brain injury. As an example fixed pupils (which occur during stroke, unconsciousness, coma, etc.) indicate a serious health issue and or trauma. A pupil dilates and constricts naturally with light fluctuations, via the third cranial nerve called the oculomotor nerve (parasympathetic fibers). A compression on this nerve can also cause fixed pupils, and may indicate an expanding or developing intracranial lesion, compressing the oculomotor nerve on the same side of the brain as the affected pupil.

Light affects

The eyes naturally react to light. As light enters the eye, the pupil naturally contracts immediately to limit the intake, whereas the withdrawal of light produces an immediate dilatation of the pupil (this is called the direct light reflex). Introducing the light into only one pupil normally causes a similar and simultaneous contraction in the other pupil as well as oth dilating when the light is withdrawn from one eye (consensual light reflex). Sluggish pupils may may be an early focal sign of an expanding intracranial lesion and or, increased intracranial pressure.

Changes in pupil size can also occur as a result of medications, drugs (alcohol) or toxins.


Pupils can dilate over 50% when you see a loved one or are attracted to another. Studies also show that people are naturally attracted to someone with dilated pupils. Our eyes can speak about your emotions, thoughts and even your honesty... they are the gateway of your soul and heart.


Your Eyes Speak

Your eyes speak volumes about you, your thoughts, emotions and intentions... learning to read the eyes is an excellent tool for understanding people you meet quickly. Here are some quick exercises in eye language:

  • Looking straight into your eyes, typically indicates interest and attention, however this can be practiced as well to deceive as well.

  • Looking up indicates thought processing... just like when you are writing a blog on Steemit, you pause from your typing to gaze up... out of focus of the screen to give more attention to your thoughts. Personally this may mean you are giving attention to another or you are thinking of alternate approaches... you need the rest of the bodies language to determine this.

  • Looking down indicates guilt or submission to the other... or even shyness (which is submission to a stronger personality), it may indicate a desire to escape the situation as well.

  • Looking up t the left is still a thinking aid, however it is indicative of trying to relate to a past experience or visual type memory.

  • Looking left indicates that the person is trying t recall an auditory experience.

  • Looking down and to the left indicates a person is experiencing a self talk or inner conversation.

  • Looking downward and toward the right indicates a person checking their feelings or emotions about something.

  • Looking right means that the person is discriminating an auditory signal or sound.


Ok we see how the eyes are also connected to our thoughts and emotions as well as health... so since they are so important, why don't we spend more time exercising them? We need to step back from our electronic world of fixed myopic seeing and work our eyes, brain and heart.

Focus: Change your focal point... lift your eyes from reading,watching a screen or task your hands are doing.... change the focal point from near to far. The best way to do this is to go out for a walk... and skip the eyeglasses. Look at everything in your sight path from close to the horizon... and do it often to relax the eyes, nerves and brain.

Direction: Change the directions of your looks, not by turning your head, but looking all around so that the eye travels to work the muscles. You want to exercise all the eyes supportive muscles by looking up, down, left right, all the diagonals, roll them left, roll them right, reverse the rolls.

Light: Change the light input as this will exercise the pupil, simply cover your eyes with your palms for a minute or so, then release... if you are at a computer all day, do this often.

Massage: Gently massage the eyes with palms or fingers to stimulate circulation along with the exercises, this also helps fight fatigue and eyestrain.

Pressure: Use your palms to gently press the eyes, this helps to lower blood pressure as well, so when the boss or someone gets your goat, palms up to lower your pressure.

Good Eye Health


Image Credit: ranelle, kaiserscience, sudarshan, microsoft

Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Resteemed this is pure gold, thanks for sharing

Thanks... with so many riveted to a computer screen it is also important.

Interesting! Great preventative information. Most people don't care about eye health until it's too late.

No they don't

I'm so glad you're drawing attention to eye exercise. Ever since I started working at a job where I stare at a computer for 8 hours a day (combined with staring at smartphones), I'm now realizing how important this is. Thanks for posting all this info!

I do a lot of computer or worse phone when I travel... it is such a strain.

Chuck likes this!

I am seeing 100% with my right eye and only 20% with my left one. I found that at 18 years :D

Maybe find out why?

I was bornt like that... even with operation I can't resolve more than 40%