This was so uplifting and informative! I had to start taking a new medication this year, and seriously gained like 500 pounds in 3 months. Haven't been able to shake it. And I don't eat like you, but I don't eat like crap either. I've always had a really lean-metabolism. All my life. It was actually frustrating because I'd pig out and still be hungry. But now, I just LOOK at a tortilla and my body gains 10 pounds.
Anyway, this is a fun read. I'm going to check out your food ideas! This toxicity pyramid is new to me.
Monk Fruit Extract – OMG you guys… this is an amazing sugar free alternative that tastes way better than Stevia. I could literally do an entire post talking about this stuff.
I'd love to hear about it when you get a minute to post on it!
Ahh I hear ya on the metabolism thing. 😞 I’m really glad you found some inspiration from this post! I felt like I was eating pretty healthy before too... but for me the big change was cutting certain foods like wheat, potatoes, rice, corn, beans and sugar. Thanks for letting me know that you are interesting in learning more about monk fruit! I am traveling starting tomorrow- but I’ll make a post on it next week! 😊
Hey @coruscate! I thought I'd let you know I'm doing a weekly show now. My debut is today. I'd love to have you pop in for a quick hello if you're around! Here are the details: