
Hmm to dumb it down alot. Basically they are having a share holder's raffle, the raffle tickets are free and they lend you some cash aswel to trade with while your funds are locked up. When you return your HEROS coin you get your BTS back.

If you withdraw your coins from the raffle before the date your raffle ticket becomes null and void.

EDIT: Also they are just showing off there great tech ^^

you create a hero by backing it with at least 2x that value in BTS. you can sell that hero to someone who wants a stable asset. If the value of BTS goes up you can buy back the Hero for less than you originally paid, and as a result earn a bit of BTS profit.

This all hinges on BTS going up in value. If it does then

  1. if you create Hero's you profit
  2. if you own a hero you have a super stable asset that is guaranteed to appreciate against the $$

Everybody wins.

This competition is designed to turn a donated $1,000,000 into $1,000,000,000 by driving up the value of BTS by making everyone compete to create HERO. Once the prize pool is $1,000,000,000 then the winnings are redistributed amongst the winners! Everybody wins, Everybody profits and the world gets the first guaranteed income asset.

It's ingenious

But what will happen if the USD itself is taken out of the scope? World financial crisis, or something like that. This is just not taken into account, but that's rather strange coz the whole idea is to ruin the present monetary system ;) Any discussion on that out there? I'm eager to participate in that discussion.
But my point is not a fear. My point is - what all these HEROES will go for? If it would be only a yacht for a winner and not a real sector investments - this is not about a heroes, this is about a big mess.
Is there any message to public on "we need your business on DAC to contract you for the Moonbase program", or "Let's build this damned hyperloop stuff for this guy", or "We need this patents be bought out and used as inteded"? I didn't see such a slogans on the HERO posters. Suppose, my voice will be a minority report on this topic, but I just need to be sure that I understand the message of this outstanding affair right.

not to worry, there's going to be a lot of that