If we evolved from monkeys into humans, why are there still monkeys?
we should have discovered millions of transitional fossils by now that show the development of one species into another species. Yet none seem to be found.
The human Y chromosome has twice as many genes as the chimpanzee Y chromosome. And the chromosome structures are not at all similar
How can great quantities of matter in this universe spring forth from nothing?
How did the first life began?
Dr. Lyall Watson, Anthropologist
"Modern apes, for instance, seem to have sprung out of nowhere. They have no yesterday, no fossil record. And the true origin of modern humans - of upright, naked, tool-making, big-brained beings - is, if we are to be honest with ourselves, an equally mysterious matter."Stephen Jay Gould ( Professor of Geology and Paleontology, Harvard University )
''We're not just evolving slowly,'' Gould says, ''for all practical purposes we're not evolving. There's no reason to think we're going to get bigger brains or smaller toes or whatever - we are what we are.''Charles Darwin ( the origin of species)
"To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree."“The number of intermediate varieties which have formerly existed must have been enormous. Why then is not every geological formation full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated chain; and this, perhaps is the most serious objection which can be urged against my theory”.
Now I am not claiming any truths, but it makes me think about our history and what we get teached in the schools.
I'd like to know how you think about it. Feel free to post your thoughts.
A thanks for the signature images for @papa-pepper and @vlad
They certainly do make some interesting statements.
Nice signatures by the way!
Thank you for posting.
Great article, but sadly steemit is filled with anarchists who will challenge every man made system but once you question some hack theory like evolution your branded as a religious nut. You don't need to be religious to realize the theory, and that's really what it is, a theory and a shitty one at that, the theory of evolution is an absurd way of explaining our own existence. How most people just takw ut as fact blows my mind!
If only more people thought like you. If only people could think.
Maybe this will help.
Thank you.