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RE: Small Christmas gifts painted from the heart. πŸŽπŸŽ„πŸ’—

in Kindness Rocks β€’ 10 days ago

I think this is a very nice thing you have done. And I choose the gift box although I like the star but someone else has already chosen it. I like the gift because life with its challenges and twists and turns is still a gift.

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Nothing is random in life... you chose your heart... something will tell you... I love it when people choose...

one cheated and looked at the shape of the stone🀣... but I like to let people choose and see what touches them... heart... you know. I loved doing this, it makes me happy!

Yes, I also looked at the shapes of the stones. πŸ˜πŸ˜‰ But I really like the gift box better... for many more reasons.

Everyone imagines the gift they want... I love that!


Buenas noches... hasta mañana!😘

Hasta maΓ±ana πŸ˜ƒ