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RE: The Month of May - Business Study and Application

in Hive Naija9 months ago

Wow wow and triple wow ...

You are right I am so fluffing proud of how you are now getting it, you get it, you get what you need to do, how you need to get the best possible raw materials at the best possible prices, and you don't let other vendors upsell you!
Of fluff no... wooooot! Fluffing proud of you baby girl.... When you have a food business yes what you eat at home and the business are intertwined!
No church for your mum, well youtube etc and online is a marvel and there is no transport costs nor nighttime transportation worries!
I am glad you are now seeing it all work in action. Now you will get a feel for what works, what little tweaks you need to make, and yes face the fluffing public. But remember they are not just the public, they are fans, they are coming to you because DD is fluffing awesome!

 9 months ago  

Aww... Thank you so much Eddie Weddie. Just got into the right frame of mind to reply comments. It is all possible thanks to your wise words and never ending support. I am so grateful