Fascinating Grass Flower : Portulacaria oleracea

in CCH4 years ago

Dear Hiver,

The diversity of plants in the hemisphere area with tropical conditions is very diverse, this condition is due to the geographical state and the level of climate change. One of the flowers that are easily found is the ROS MOS flower, this flower spreads like a grass with a stem structure that is denser and solid, the MOS ROS flower has the uniqueness, this flower just blooms in the morning when the day is rised from the east and will return to the buds when The sun is high. The uniqueness of nature is something we should be grateful for the balance of the entire flaura and fauna is a necessity in maintaining the minds of the universe and its contents.

keberagaman jenis tanaman di kawasan belahan bumi dengan kondisi tropis sangat beragam, kondisi ini dikarenakan keadaan geografis dan tingkat perubahan iklim. salah satu bunga yg mudah di temukan yaitu bunga ros mos, bunga ini menjalar seperti rumput dengan struktur batang yg lebih padat dan solid, bunga ros mos memiliki keunikan, bunga ini hanya mekar di pagi hari saat mata hari terbit dari timur dan akan kembali kuncup saat matahari sudah tinggi. keunikan alam adalah suatu hal yang patut kita syukuri keseimbangan seluruh flaura dan fauna adalah keniscayaan dalam menjaga keaeimbangan alam semesta beserta isinya




news lo.png




The flowers looks so pretty color, have you edit your photoshoot? What kind of the aplication used, might you can share with us about the information

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