Salam Sahabat Hivers...
After introducing myself on this platform with friends, I was thinking about what posts are interesting and become my passion for this Hive Blog. While thinking about this idea, for a moment I was amazed to see the sunset today in my city
The weather was quite hot today, I happened to be in a cafe on the banks of the Cunda river, Lhokseumawe city when the sunset was entering its time.
I also took some pictures with the background of the former Cunda plaza building on the banks of the Cunda river, the former first plaza building in my province that looked dramatic when I got some pictures, here are some pictures I took using my Xiaomi smartphone camera. Thank you for visiting and see you soon!
Setelah perkenalan diri saya di platform ini bersama sahabat kemarin, saya sedang memikirkan postingan apa yang menarik dan menjadi passion saya di Hive Blog ini. Ketika sedang memikirkan ide tersebut, sejenak saya terpukau melihat sunset hari ini di kota saya
Cuaca memang cukup terik hari ini, kebetulan saya sedang berada disebuah cafe di bantaran sungai Cunda, kota Lhokseumawe ketika suasana sunset sedang memasuki waktunya.
Saya pun mengambil beberapa gambar dengan latar eks gedung cunda plaza di pinggiran sungai Cunda, eks gedung plaza pertama di provinsi saya itu pun tampak dramatis ketika beberapa gambar saya dapatkan, berikut dibawah ini beberapa gambar yang saya ambil menggunakan kamera smartphone Xiaomi saya. Terima kasih sudah berkunjung dan see you soon!*
Don't forget