Peer to peer trading has always been the best way of trading cryptocurrencies… It involves a barter style exchange between two parties, sometimes a third party is involved called an escrow. The escrow is usually a well recognized exchange with good reputation.
Binance and other centralized exchanges recognize the importance of peer to peer trading, so they have invested into it and have so far had a lot of success, even before them, exchange sites like localbitcoin, bisq, paxful, cryptolocally, have shown that peer to peer trading is a profitable venture.
On bitshares we have the proposal, HTLC and barter trade feature which allows for P2P exchange to some degree, but a draw back still persists, firstly there is no option that allows for a fiat to crypto barter style trade like conventional P2P systems, and the only feature which is perfect for this is the barter feature, which is still limited to asset to asset exchange and peer to peer familiarity.
To put mildly we have the basics but still lack in the onboarding of fiat, I know so many systems have been developed to allow for fiat to crypto exchange on bitshares including the recent one being setup by the Bitshares Management Group, and the Payeer system developed by, but I still feel little has been done to actually harness the full potential of the bitshares barter system, which I feel will bring in more development to the bitshares blockchain.
In conclusion what is needed is a matching search engine, an exchange willing to act as escrow and finally a way to settle disputes…
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