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RE: What do Vladimir Putin, Freedom Convoy, and Donald Trump have in common?

in Deep Dives3 years ago

I love your hopium. I hate to counter it with realpolitik, but I am confident we can disagree on some facts and either discuss those facts until we agree, reasonably, or reasonably agree to disagree.

My information is that Trump and Putin, like Bidet and Turdeau, are WEF Young Global Leaders. What I see about Trump that gives this credence is that the enemedia - who are without doubt wholly owned propaganda outlets for the WEF - are absolutely not unaware of how little regard people actually have for them. Most people are convinced the enemedia are utterly untrustworthy liars, seeking to do ill.

So, when the enemedia declared Trump to be their enemy, most people considered Trump to be their friend, because the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Most people aren't commie leftists, despite that most corporations are. Why are most corporations leftists? Because Larry Fink is the Agenda Director for the WEF, and borrowers are required to implement diversity quotas, turn their logos into rainbow flags, and promote identity politics in every way. It's not an organic philosophical shift in which corporate whores suddenly feel the Bern and become transexual hippies, but the simple obeisance to money power, as wielded by Fink, the CEO of BlackRock that has a controlling interest in ~90% of the stock corporations in the world.

This is part of the WEF plan to implement the NWO. Trump was mentored by Roy Cohn, and is not a businessman, nor a patriot as many people think. Cohn was an extortionist and pimp of children to politicians and oligarchs, and Trump didn't learn some other trade from Cohn. In further support of this understanding of Trump is that after Cohn died of AIDS in 1986, Trump became closely associated with Jeff Epstein. He didn't change careers when he lost his mentor, as that reveals.

The real achievement of the Ukraine 'Special Operation' was attained already by Putin, in his role as an extremely powerful oligarch of the WEF, and that is the devastating sanctions on Russia, which will usher in that desperate existential penury that accompanies famine across Russia. The central bank of Russia has already been testing CBDC, and now that the SWIFT network has been denied them, and their foreign currency reserves seized by NATO, that neoFiat will be unleashed on Russia, which has been oddly at the forefront of biometric ID and similar NWO tropes for some time now, which most people are unaware of.

If NATO sanctions India, driving them into alliance with Russia and China, the horrible result of NATO's blatant thievery and lies will be to cede the whole of Asia to that axis, and probably also Oz and NZ, as well as Africa, which US war crimes has long been driving away or utterly destroying, as in Libya, and has been courted and wooed by China with much success in the last decade.

If you consider these events through a WEF lens as implementations of steps to create an environment ripe for the NWO takeover, the geopolitical machinations, as disparate as the tragic withdrawal from Afghanistan and Tigrayan revolt, become extremely effective ploys, rather than inexplicable disasters.

Sad, but that's how I see things.



I appreciate your analysis and info. Sadly I've got a newborn AND a sick toddler at the moment, and haven't slept much in 2 weeks. So for now, I'll just have to absorb your info and think on it. If I don't get a chance to properly respond, at least you'll know why! Talk soon.