I want afternoons like this ...

Where my only company is the little light that remains behind the clouds, with that farewell nostalgia, the same one that I feel when the day is ending and I can no longer keep camera in hand recording the stories I want to tell, but with my full brain, inspired with ideas, with this wild creativity that has been unleashed on me at the age of 60.

The twilight of every sunset in my city, are unique, when I see the sun disappear right in front of my gaze.

I am an insatiable lady of stories and I require daylight, dawn to be ready to tell them, so here I am in a farewell attitude, watching the world from my terrace when the light goes away, and the sunset of the day fills my soul with new stories to tell to you who read me.
I think that's a good practice.

For example, to tell them that to love oneself is to understand one's flaws, is to have tolerance for one's flaws, is to be more benevolent with oneself.

When you love someone you protect him, treat him well, take care of him, understand him and look for the tendency to softness and tenderness.

It is not to fight against oneself, it is to seek to solve problems but without attacking ourselves, without belittling, without being our own worst enemy.

It is to look for one's own version of oneself but without that implying a total hatred towards that which I think is wrong with oneself.

To be loving to oneself 🤗 is to not feel so much self-hatred.

In the world, it seems to me, nowadays a genuine personal criterion is needed, because Empathy, affective responsibility, common sense and respect for others are over, when people lack this, everything is simply lost.

The family is being destroyed, people do not want to form homes or have children, being with many people at once has become everyday and if you are in a couple you simply join that team or just leave and that's it.

The more damage you do to a person the happier you are and thus destroy his life

The world is very strange today.

Emotional weakness is the mark. Everything offends, everything excludes, everything annoys and it is necessary to be politically correct.

You have to be a vegan, change the language, step on glass so you don't annoy anyone, be a socialist, environmentalist, hairy, hairy, perempempetic and perempempudo. A crazy pod, that's how we are.

We spend the day in the social Networks giving opinions as if we were always right, attacking those who think differently, pending a drama, a complaint, a scandal, a thing.

We are the "big brothers" of the other big brothers.

We look at other people's lives like a movie, and if it's a normal life, then it's a boring movie.We like the morbid. We like thoughts that resemble our own, but we never like those that question us, challenge us, make us noise, make us uncomfortable.

We miss the important giving relevance to the superfluous. The world is like this: champions of irrelevance, captains of superficiality, owners of stupidity.

In my posts I try to face the uncomfortable, what affects us, makes us noisy, takes us out of our comfort.

I don't want to entertain them, I want to help them from my vision of life and critical thinking. I refuse to let myself get carried away by the irrelevant, by the easy like.

End of the story.

Janitze 🦋

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Translation with |DeepL


That space you can call yours, you can be who you are, enjoy your time by yourself, away from all those judgements and all the set of standards those morally upright created. At least for a moment you live your life freely. Owwh those are the best days of life.

Here in places like this, with sunsets like these, my statement makes full sense: The more I enjoy in silence, and with the beach more than ever, the better", I try to enjoy the resources that nature provides us. I invite you to do it where you are are moments of much inner peace. Thanks for reading me.

Woo friend, excellent reflection, how nice that you can share your passion, give us a taste of what you love to do, at this age what we really need is peace of mind, to be in the place we love and do the things that make us happy.

Continue to enjoy what you do and share with us.

Thank you so much 🫂 for reading me, for your kind and warm words. 🥀