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RE: Snow Summit - Big Bear, CA [EN/PT-BR]

in SnowHive9 months ago

Woah! That's such an awesome view!
If you have the season pass, does it mean you'll have to keep going to the same snowboarding resort? Or will it be applicable to other resorts as well?
Haven't heard of the pass here so I'm curious. I'm not a snowboarder though but my friends are. 😅


The season is ending now, but I'll be able to use it next winter and spring. Still a lot of time to use it, super good deal.
I bought the Ikon Pass, and there is also another one called Epic Pass. Each cover different ski resorts, but both have a lot of options, search on google. Some resorts are unlimited, some have a limit of days to use.
My Ikon Pass I can use it for 5 days in Niseko, JP.