This was a Noxious Fumes + Equal Opportunity with fifty-four mana. I knew my Time Mage wouldn't survive past the first round, but I only needed her for the beginning strike. Her slow ability helps to ensure a first strike. The Rust ability was able to remove the shield off of the opponents Prismologist allowing me to to kill it before it could attack.
Since I was able to slow the enemy Prismologist, my own Prismologist was able to hit and kill the Adelade preventing repair.
The splash damage hit my opponents Prismologist for three damage. That left her with three health and guaranteed my Stitch Leech the kill.
My Time Mage goes down immediately afterwards, but her role was vital. Things could have went drastically different if my opponent had landed a shot. Especially when there is a Uriel on the field in an Equal Opportunity game.
The rest of the battle goes swimmingly and I'm able to destroy the Uriel without issue. All thanks to Time Mage.
I won't break down the entire battle, but the link is at the top of the blog. Thanks for visiting.