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RE: View from noob

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Hello! I recommend you take a look at card rentals. It's not that expensive to get started that way, some cards you can rent for 0.1 DEC a day, others will be a bit more expensive if you go for epic or legendary, but still way cheaper than buying.
Try renting cheap cards for the duration of the season, so you have a good base deck, and you can rent epics and legendaries for a day or two, based on what daily missions you have. There's many startegies for this. Try getting enough power to climb after Bronze II league, and you'll start earning DEC with the battles, then you can pay next season rents with the earnings if your good enough. Once you get the grip of the game, you can decide which cards are worth buying.
Good Luck, if you still have doubts i join the discord server, many people will help you there with information!