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RE: HiveBloPoMo Day 1: Share Your HiveBloPoMo Goals for November

in HiveBloPoMo3 years ago

Yep, I've totally been bitten by the Hive Buzz badge! Sad to say that even though I've been doing this challenge a couple times of a year for a few years, I've only ever managed the monthly badge twice.

And I will say that when I did my very first NaNoWriMo back in... 2006? I think?... I was stuck for a large part of the month, and my word count was ridiculously low. It wasn't until I decided to tell a fictionalized version of a court case I'd been involved in (as a witness & the person who'd blown the proverbial whistle) that the words flew from my fingers. When I went back to pure fiction, it was agony squeezing out enough words to cross the finish line.

I agree that making the writing a bigger priority is instrumental in winning the challenge. I know it's wicked early in the month, but I get a feeling you're gonna nail this!