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RE: It took only 17 years - July Hive Garden Journal

in HiveGardenlast year

Being that the first jackfruit took 17 years to show up must have made it so special after all of that time. I guess that since the tree has finally produced fruit it will do the same every year, hopefully.

Happy to hear that you are giving your garden another try.
In our area, we have problems with all types of pests wreaking havoc on our garden, but at least they are not humans. I'm not sure what type of repellant one can use to prevent thievery, maybe an electric fence. 😁

Great advice from your landlord to just let the issue die down, you never know extreme behavior some people are capable of.

Good luck with this year's garden, my friend.


I'm not sure what type of repellant one can use to prevent thievery, maybe an electric fence. 😁

They will come with an instrument to cut that even :) You can never prevent human greed.

Greed is the way of the world and that's a real shame.