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RE: Alternative Weekend: Thanks Rob.C..., for all the Weird Music

That Cabaret Voltaire one. We forget how convenient the interwebs are for finding good versions of songs that were almost impossible to get at times back in the day without much foraging in musty vinyl shops!


You remember it? I was so disappointed to find the 'good bit' was only just audible at the end of this 9 minute song, and then was gone. I wanted the overloaded version!

It was the same with 'Last Train to Transcentral', I managed to buy the shit version again! You couldn't exactly say 'the good version please' to the HMV degenerates.

Hmv degenerates were the worst. So cliquey!!

It's ages since I bought music. Damned streaming!

As I recall, 'Hail to the Thief' by Radiohead was the last CD I even bought in 2003. It's been the internet since then.

I have bought a few as gifts for technophobes in my family but other that that it has been a long time since I bhought one for me!