Can you share your thoughts please?

in GEMS3 years ago

No matter how well we know someone, how close the relationship or how connected we are to others we are not always privy to what and how they think. That is unless they tell us. There is much that is openly shared like thoughts and opinions in workplace meetings, discussions, planning and in personal relationships.

But do you ever feel not everything has been said, something is being held back? Regardless of the invitation to put everything on the table you have a niggly feeling, persistent and uneasy that there is more to the situation. Why the person is not sharing can only be imagined? What are they not saying? What is on their mind?

Whether it is a work place or a personal relationship getting the thoughts on the table is the goal needed to move on, to clear the air, to work together for shared goals to be achieved. Strategic planning, communication and working together achieve effective and favourable outcomes.

Honesty is the key, tell the truth teaches the parent. No matter what you have done just tell me the truth a parent urges, you won't get into trouble if you tell the truth. So a child has his/her first learning with sharing in a loving supportive home atmosphere. But he learns more as he steps out into the world of schools and business to find out that one needs to be more circumspect sussing out how to say what needs to be said and when to say it. What if you put a voice to your thinking and you get into trouble? It happens, such a hard learning. But, maybe you don't care, it had to be said.

It is not possible to blurt out what one feels and thinks without stopping and considering the feelings of others. Messages can be harsh, unfeeling and hurtful, so we need to speak gently carefully when asked to share our thoughts and opinions. So stop when asked to share, think through what to say in a diplomatic careful manner, once said it is done. Words cannot be taken back, the damage is done. The relationships are cracked. Can it be mended?

But sharing cannot always be. We all have thoughts that are so locked away that words cannot find. Would another understand cherished thoughts that are only dear to you?

Is there such a place inside you, little secrets special and sweet. Your dreams, your wishes, your special memories of time gone by, of places, conversations and a first love, special and sweet. Little reminiscing sparkles of a young you that shaped an older you into who you are today. There are no words to share, only the sweetness of a magical you. Cherish it, let it nourish you.

I love my little memories.


I saw this little red geranium in my garden, a little worse for wear, its hay day of freshness almost gone. But there was something extra special in its red petals so appealing that I chose to take a snap. It was telling me that even though tattered, a little old it was still beautiful as it spread out its joy to all who happened to take time to pause and look.

All Photos - 1 of 1 (1).jpeg


Smile - it is Sunday today, make it as beautiful and sublime as you can. Think of #beautifulSunday and #sublimeSunday brought to hive by @ace108 and @cOff33a



Absolutely. There are many times that everything is not put on the table and I find that most times, it is okay. I don't need to know everything, I only want to hear what is willingly given to me.

How much information is too much, I have always wondered. How much is enough? There is a balance in there somewhere.

Good morning to you and have a wonderful Sunday!

Good point Denise, when is too much information and when not. Dragging any opinion or information about of anyone is not pleasant but I believe in working with a team and being careful with talking.

Ahh balance, it is such an interesting concept. I feel that we are all achieving balance in this life in some form or other.
My Sunday was a drive in the country - very pleasant indeed. xx

It sounds like a perfect day! 💖

Wishing you a happy Sunday 💛

Thank you so much for your kindness- always!

And your kindness that is all time.

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Thank you @bdcommunity, I appreciate your upvote.