A new path, New opportunities,Hello Hivers! | Un nuevo camino, Nuevas oportunidades ¡Hola Hivers!

in GEMS4 years ago


Talking about me is a bit complicated, so I decided to introduce myself as follows:

Hablar de mí es un poco complicado, así que decidí presentarme de la siguiente manera:



My Birth:

Mi Nacimiento:

I was born on February 28, 1990 in Ciudad Bolivar, Edo. Bolivar, Venezuela. I am hyperactive and an artist by birth like everyone in my family. I love the various branches of art and taste life as food. Since I was a child I developed many artistic qualities. I am not aware of when I started singing and dancing. At home I used to dance, according to my imagination...The ingredients that fascinate me the most: Singing, dancing, composing, writing, acting, drawing, radio, TV, taking pictures, training, inventing in the kitchen and creating. I love nature, the power and magic in us, sincerity, values. I like to travel. I lived in Ciudad Bolívar, Puerto Ordaz, Puerto la Cruz and currently I live in Caracas since 2013, with the desire to continue knowing other cities and other countries.

Nací un 28 de febrero de 1990 en Ciudad Bolívar, Edo. Bolívar, Venezuela.
Soy hiperactiva y artista de nacimiento como todos los de mi familia. Me encantan las diversas ramas del arte y degustar la vida como la comida. Desde muy pequeña desarrolle muchas cualidades artísticas, No tengo consciencia de cuándo empecé a cantar y bailar. En casa solía bailar, según mi imaginación...Los ingredientes que más me fascinan: Cantar, Bailar, componer, escribir, actuar, dibujar, la radio,la tv, tomar fotos, entrenar, inventar en la cocina y crear. Amo la naturaleza, el poder y la magia que hay en nosotros, la sinceridad, los valores. Me gusta viajar. Viví en Ciudad Bolívar, Pto. Ordaz, Pto la cruz y actualmente vivo en Caracas desde el 2013, con deseos de seguir conociendo otras ciudades y otros países.


From a very young age:

Desde muy temprana edad:



I remember singing with the choir at the school. I was part of a church ministry in my pre-adolescence where I experienced and developed myself in an integral way in the arts. I belonged to a pantomime group in which I was about 3-4 years old, I was about 8 years old. Then I moved, I was part of the group of musicians, singers, dance and theater group; the church had its own radio and TV show, in each one I had to make my collaboration. It was difficult, but I was fascinated. We even made video clips and musical dubbings, and sometimes big musical concerts were organized with international artists.

En Primaria y el Liceo recuerdo cantar junto a la coral. Fui parte del ministerio de una iglesia en mi pre-adolescencia donde experimente y me desarrolle de manera integral en el arte. Pertenecí a un grupo de pantomima en el que estuve como unos 3-4 años,tenía como 8 añitos. Luego me mudé, forme parte del grupo de músicos,cantantes, del grupo de baile y de teatro; La iglesia tenía su propio programa radial y de tv, en cada uno me tocaba realizar mi colaboración.Era fuerte, pero a mí me fascinaba. Realizamos hasta video clips y doblajes musicales, y a veces se organizaban grandes conciertos musicales con artistas internacionales.


100% Hyperactive!

100% Hiperactiva!



Dancing kept me active but on top of that, I liked to train at home, go out to play softball, soccer, basketball or just go for a walk, even though I had so many activities it never affected my studies. I was always an excellent and orderly student. But my problem was my hyperactivity. I could never be in calm. Because of my drawing classes in high school, i began to make certain drawings with my own touches and original poems.

El baile me mantenía activa pero además de eso, me gustaba entrenar en casa, salir a jugar softball, fútbol, baloncesto o sencillamente salir a caminar, a pesar de tener tantas actividades nunca afectó mis estudios. Siempre fui una alumna excelente y ordenada. Pero mi problema era mi hiperactividad. Nunca podía estar tranquila. Siempre como “DURACELL”, me decían. Debido a las clases de dibujo en el bachiller comencé a realizar ciertos dibujos con toques propios y poemas originales.


Difficult times:

Momentos Difíciles:



When I finished high school I moved to another city, my direction changed. I was forced to select a career that I did not like "Computer Engineering", even though i tried to fall in love with it thinking of an artistic or musical method, it did not work. I worked as a receptionist in two gyms and with that I paid for music lessons on the sly. Despite having close relatives who were artists, my family did not see arts as a career. Eventually they began to open up and give in.

Al terminar la secundaria me mudé de ciudad, mi rumbo cambió. Estaba obligada a seleccionar una carrera que no me gustaba “Ingeniería informática”, por más que intenté enamorarme de ella pensando en un método artístico o musical, no funcionó. Trabajé de recepcionista en dos gym y con eso pagaba clases de música a escondidas. A pesar de tener familiares cercanos y lejanos artistas, mi familia no veía el arte como carrera.Con el tiempo empezaron a abrirse y ceder. Comencé un nuevo rumbo.


I Needed Changes:

Necesitaba un Cambio:



During the University, I managed to participate in the Unexpo Puerto Ordaz choir, I would leave the rehearsal and sit on one of the university stairs to sing at full voice with a guitarist, from there they listened to me and invited me to sing as a soloist in various events. I sang at an English school. Then they developed a magazine about a modeling contest, where I was part of their events as a soloist and as a member of a dance group. I had the beautiful experience of collaborating or participating in radio programs. I did a romantic program where I worked on enhancing human values, very beautiful, I would do it again. I was in the chorus of the Guayana City Symphony Orchestra for a long time. I took courses and workshops in different artistic branches, as well as I was pleased to expose my talents in some events and stages with special motives. But at one point I felt stagnant, I wanted a change

Durante la Universidad, logré participar en la coral de la Unexpo Puerto Ordaz, salía del ensayo y me sentaba en una de las escaleras de la universidad a cantar a toda voz junto a un guitarrista, de allí me escucharon y me invitaron a cantar como solista en varios eventos.
Cante en una escuela de inglés. Luego desarrollaron una revista referente a concurso de modelos, donde fui parte de sus eventos como solista y como integrante de un grupo de baile. Tuve la bella experiencia de colaborar o participar en programas radiales. Realice un programa romántico donde trabajaba en realzar los valores humanos, muy hermoso, lo volvería a repetir. Estuve en la coral de la orquesta sinfónica de Guayana durante un largo tiempo. Realicé cursos y talleres en diversas ramas artísticas, como también me complací en exponer mis talentos en algunos eventos y tarimas con motivos especiales. Pero en un momento dado me sentí estancada, quería un cambio.


My experiences, A new Path:

Mis Experiencias, un nuevo camino:


I had several attempts in previous years hoping to enter the university of the arts, as the saying goes "third time lucky" and it happened. I made the decision to fly to Caracas, maybe without knowing anyone or having anywhere to go. When I got to Caracas, Ii dedicated myself to the university. Taking advantage of the opportunities in the city I met in a free workshop a great artist that I admire a lot and now i have had the opportunity to support her in various events since 2013, i have learned a lot from Mirna Rios. What a spectacular woman!

Tuve varios intentos en años anteriores esperando entrar a la universidad de las artes ,Como dice el refrán “la tercera es la vencida” y sucedió. Tome la decisión de volar a Caracas, igual sin conocer a nadie ni tener donde llegar. Al llegar a Caracas, me dedique a la universidad. Aprovechando las oportunidades de la ciudad conocí en un taller gratis una gran artista que admiro mucho y que actualmente he tenido la oportunidad de apoyarla en varios eventos desde el 2013, he aprendido mucho de Mirna Rios. Que Mujer tan espectacular!




I joined the Caracas Metropolitan Choir for about two years. I collaborated with the vocal group Cincopah in several events. After finishing my studies at the university I had the opportunity to start working in the world of digital money. This allowed me to carry out inductions and assembly of events to promote education, impulse and adoption of cryptocurrencies in Caracas, Venezuela. It was a time of new knowledge.

Me integré al Coro Metropolitano de Caracas aproximadamente dos años. Colaboré con el grupo vocal Cincopah en varios eventos. Terminando las materias en la universidad tuve la oportunidad de empezar a trabajar en el mundo del dinero digital. Esto me permitió realizar inducciones y montaje de eventos para fomentar la educación, impulso y adopción de las criptomonedas en Caracas, Venezuela. Fue un tiempo de nuevos conocimientos.


What do i want to achieve?

¿A dónde quiero llegar?



I long to be a well-rounded and independent artist. I aspire to be able to help many people in different perspectives of life and art, from my experiences and my knowledge, using these new technological platforms. Thanks to the various digital tools, we have been able to reach beyond what is imaginable.

Anhelo ser una artista integral e independiente. Aspiro poder ayudar a muchas personas en diferentes perspectivas de la vida y del arte, desde mis experiencias y mis conocimientos, utilizando estas nuevas plataformas tecnológicas.
Gracias a las diversas herramientas digitales hemos podido llegar más allá de lo imaginable.




Thanks to my experience working with cryptocurrencies, I met many people who were part of the Steem network and are now part of HIVE, but I had not made the decision to join, since I find it difficult to talk about myself. But here I am! Thanks to @rutablockchain, now I hope to have more opportunities in this beautiful field, to work and meet talented, intelligent and beautiful people, to exchange knowledge and a lot of art.

Gracias a mi experiencia trabajando con las criptomonedas, conocí muchas personas que integraban la red de Steem y ahora forman parte de HIVE, pero no había tomado la decisión de integrarme, ya que me resulta difícil hablar sobre mi misma. Pero, ¡Aquí estoy! gracias a @rutablockchain , ahora espero tener más oportunidades en este hermoso campo, de trabajar y de conocer gente talentosa, inteligente y hermosa, de intercambiar conocimientos y mucho arte.


Follow me // Sígueme


Credits to / Créditos a:
Dividers and banner designed by @medussart
Original Content created by me / Contenido Original creado por mi.


Welcome everestnight!
Ecency is mobile and desktop application that improves your experience on Hive.

Download Android: https://android.ecency.com, iOS: https://ios.ecency.com, desktop: https://desktop.ecency.com apps that helps you to gain new followers and stay connected with your friends, unique features - notifications, bookmarks, favorites, drafts, and more.
We reward our users with encouragement upvotes as well as Points to promote and boost your content.
Learn more: https://ecency.com
Join our discord: https://discord.me/ecency

Bienvenida hermana, estoy feliz de ver tu primer puesto aquí.

Por cierto, te invito también a unirte a nuestra comunidad aquí. Un grupo que se dedica a estudiar las palabras de Dios a través de las enseñanzas del hermano Eli Soriano. ¡Pregúntele al hermano Eli, la Biblia responderá!
Dios le bendiga 😇😍


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You received more than 10 upvotes. Your next target is to reach 50 upvotes.
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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:

Feedback from the November 1st Hive Power Up Day

Excelente, Muchisimas gracias por todo el apoyo.

Bienvenida, eres toda una artista y con ese entusiasmo segurito lograrás todos tus sueños

Muchas gracias, Bella.

Bienvenida! Aquí encontrarás un lugar especial con gente super talentosa con quien podrás compartir tus mismas pasiones, Hive on ! 🤟

Welcome to the Hive movement and blockchain. You will have fun blogging and vlogging I promise. But in the beginning it’s hard and new and maybe you need help. We have amazing people here and a help discord if you need it. I love blogging, But always be carefull with all your passwords, Never give those up !! I speak from experience !
I use Peakd to post to Hive. But hive.blog is an option too.
Good luck with with hive experience and I Will See you around and may you find here what you are looking for. Just remember that all good things come in good time and never giving up is THE key to big succes on the Blockchain. Also you could join the the Terminal discord. Or visit @heyhaveyamet for more new arrivals, newbies exposure in the beginning very important.
Let me know if this was helpfull or if you need more help, see you in Discord
the Terminal. Here is the invite its free,


Greeting from the Netherlands
@ Brittandjosie


Thank you very much for the suggestions and the invitation.

Bienvenida Valeria!! Que bueno que ya seas parte de Hive 😁👏.

Tan bella, Gracias ami.

Welcome to the Hive community @everestnight!
We sincerely hope you find everything you are looking for and have found a new home here.

Seven suggestions to consider:

  1. Guard your passwords carefully, and only publish with the posting key,
  2. Use your active key only for wallet transactions, keychain and Peaklock,
  3. The owner password is only used to reset compromised passwords,
  4. DO NOT lose your passwords; copy and store offline,
  5. Do not publish other people's work, be it photos or written, without credit, and
    be sure to source all of your work, even if it is your own
  6. An introduceyourself tag is used only once , and
  7. Do Not open any links in memos or comments that you do not know who they belong to. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is, so the old saying goes. There is nothing free here.

I found you because @brittandjosie and @jamerussell from @heyhaveyamet presented and promoted your publication to get more exposure and help you grow faster.

If you find yourself overwhelmed and need some guidance, or if you have any questions, there are informed Hivians available who can help you; you can click to go to The Terminal in Discord here:

Have fun and happy Hiving!

Thank you very much for the suggestions and the welcome.

Que bonita casualidad conseguirme publicaciones de presentación geniales como la tuya.
Gracias por elegir Hive como tu nueva casa ¡Estamos a la orden para lo que necesites!