La Luna tiene frío,
la temperatura está a menos de 5 grados centígrados,
ella camina para abrigarse un poquito
y tomar calor en su organismo.
Nada parece funcionar,
para la temperatura elevar,
busca una boutique que cerca hay,
para un saco comprar.
The Moon is cold,
the temperature is less than 5 degrees Celsius,
she walks to warm up a little
and to warm up her body.
Nothing seems to work,
for the temperature to rise, she
looks for a nearby boutique
to buy a jacket.
En la boutique está la costurera,
un ave de plumas color canela,
ella un sueter violeta le prueba,
no le queda bien y lo retira sin pena.
Le ensaya uno amarillo
y la Luna parece un sol chiquito
no le queda tan bonito
y se lo quita para buscar uno más fino.
In the boutique is the seamstress,
a cinnamon-colored feathered bird,
she tries on a purple sweater, it
doesn't fit well and she takes it off without shame.
She tries on a yellow one
and the moon looks like a small sun
, it doesn't fit so well
and she takes it off to look for a finer one.
El pájaro tiene una idea genial
y bajo su ala busca la prenda ideal,
unas plumas saca de allá
y se las pone a la Luna con habilidad.
Esta es el traje ideal,
un abrigo creado con plumas de verdad,
abriga a la Luna con agilidad
y la hace ver con elegancia sin igual.
The bird has a great idea
and under his wing he looks for the ideal garment,
he takes some feathers from there
and puts them on the moon with skill.
This is the ideal costume,
a coat created with real feathers, it
shelters the moon with agility
and makes it look with unparalleled elegance.