Día 12. ¿cómo estas haciendo un impacto en el mundo ahora mismo?
Day 12. How are you making an impact on the world right now?
Hello #Hive community. I hope you are good. This question really made me think a lot since previously I had not thought about this aspect and in what way I am influencing. Unconsciously I help the environment a little and more because of the current situation in my country. One of the things is when buying we reuse the bags, in the same way when I buy cleaning products I always go to the store with a container which I recycle over and over again.
Apart from that I always try to be quite thrifty. In the social aspect, I consider myself a citizen who follows the rules, without abuse, nor mistreatment towards other citizens. Right now I am not making a great impact, I am simply a university student who day by day struggles to have a better life and with more courage due to the current recession that Venezuelans are living through and therefore, the only focus that I have in mind is to fulfill with my objectives, always complying with the laws of society. And here comes my post today, I really like to think a little about this topic and personally I would love to analyze a little more about it.
Gracias por leer
thanks to read