Part 1 of How To Be Smarter (George's Guide) left off with George wondering what exactly J-Ryze's take on genius was. They're about to discuss 'real' genius traits, the 3 keys to elevating your genius, and some common things that ail smart people.
J-Ryze took a big breath and said: "I believe that…
True Genius Comes From A Higher Power.
Seeing George's incredulous look, J-Ryze quickly clarified.
Oh don't worry, I'm not getting all spiritual on you."
"Then what?" George asked. I was about to answer but a family marched towards us, so we hopped onto the road briefly to make way for them. It was getting late and soon we'd have the street mostly to ourselves anyway. I continued.
"I’m just pointing out something worth acknowledging, George.
Genius comes from the same place beauty comes from. The same place evolution comes from. The same place inspiration comes from. The great unknown. Nature. God. Source. The universe.
Genius is an awesome blend of intelligence, creativity, and wisdom. It synthesizes the unexpected from the mundane. It absorbs vast data from wide-ranging sources. It combines them in brilliant ways.
And we have all done these things, even if we don’t realize it.
As babies, we were all fast learners. We were ‘geniuses’. There are some genetic differences and some start smarter than others, sure. But overall, we intelligently navigated our world, taking in data, and growing from it quickly. We learned jaw-droppingly fast. Not because we ‘tried hard’. Not because parents made us. Not because our brains were ‘different’ then. We learned fast because we were tapped into the thing that provides genius. We tapped into a natural, evolutionary intelligence. It gave us inspiration, intuitive leaps, and epic solutions to our problems. Eventually, society trains us away from most of our intelligence. But it’s still available, waiting to be tapped into."
"Actually so true. My auntie runs a daycare and every time I see them kids, they be demonstrating brilliance."
"True genius is something you can intentionally tap into and benefit from. We all did it as kids. Creative solutions. Wise ideas. Fast improvement. It comes from a combination of 3 factors."
"What are they?"
"Focus, beliefs, and mood.
If a person focuses obsessively enough on something, backed by supportive beliefs and an uplifted mood regarding it… they become smart in this area.
Certain people ‘on the spectrum’ are good examples of this. Or a child who’s slow to develop, but suddenly finds their ‘calling’ and becomes masterful at it.
Same thing goes for general intelligence.
If you took a person and helped them focus obsessively on ‘being smart’. Something amazing would happen. They’d start becoming smart. If you helped them embody solid beliefs, and an uplifted mood about their smarts for long enough, they’d blossom.
In fact, this is what my parents did for me while raising me. They continually helped me focus on being smart. They continually guided my beliefs in my own intelligence. They made sure I never beat myself up, and that I always maintained a positive mood around my intellect. Mom and Dad did the same for my siblings, who are also rather smart. This is similar to the mysterious-but-powerfully-effective… placebo-effect."
"Shoot dude, is the placebo effect actually even a thing?"
"The placebo effect is indeed, 'a thing.' It works. More often than you'd think. Plus, it’s surprisingly effective. And the times it doesn’t work, I say is only because people don’t properly understand it. It’s related to quantum physics and the law of attraction. It results in ‘miracles’ and has transformed physiology. And it plays a huge role in actually becoming smart. And it has three foundations I’ll explain in detail shortly. Those 3 (often-ignored) 'placebo-things' connect you to true genius.
True genius is available to you, but it takes practice.
"Oh my god dude. I want it so bad. How can I be truly smart?"
"True genius isn’t just having a photographic memory or answering a scientist’s questions to their satisfaction. It’s a blend of intellect, creativity, and wisdom. It embodies many traits no one has even tried to measure, let alone ones that are factored into current tests. Wanna learn about some of 'em?"
"I been walking in circles 'round this block for that exact reason, homie."
"True genius embodies traits like:
They love all ideas. They don't judge them. They're happy ideas exist. Even bad ones. Because those 'bad' ideas may connect or lead them to truly brilliant ones. They respond well to unconventional ideas. They assess ideas on their merit, without snapping or recoiling. Unlike close-minded people who hear what they don't like and get triggered. Then lose all access to logic, reason, and intelligence.
They have a massive focus on what's possible. They believe a path to a solution exists, and like a dog with a bone, they refuse to let go until it's theirs. Unlike less tenacious thinkers, who rub up against a problem and think "oh well, not solvable." They're constantly imagining solutions, improvements, and a better world.
They're able to see multiple angles to a problem. They can forecast how the problem or solution will affect other areas of life. They can often see if it will raise future problems down the road. Unlike those with myopic vision. Those only focused on one step ahead of them, blind to the majority of repercussions.
They simplify often. They're constantly looking to get back to solid mental foundations. They get to fundamental truths and build their knowledge upward. Unlike those who reason by analogy and what the majority approves of. People who avoid first principles entirely.
Smart people value accuracy & precision. Especially in their area of expertise. They choose ideas carefully. Words as well. Because they know that communicating ideas is part of what intelligence is all about. Unlike sloppy thinkers & speakers, conveying inaccurate, imprecise things and creating confusion in others."
"I've definitely seen you choose your words carefully."
"Yeah, 'cause people like you deliberately misread me and nitpick my points to death if I don't."
"Hey! No I don't-- well, ok, maybe. Sheeesh."
I stuck my tongue out but I'm not sure if George could see it now since the sun had long set. "I'm just playin'. More traits of genius:
They question a lot. They question themselves, their conclusions, their beliefs. They question if anything has changed since the last time they relied on a fact. They question whether their data is reliable. They question whether others' data is reliable. They question their logic, their mindset, their emotions. They ask very good questions, with a very good purpose. This directly contrasts with most of society, who question nearly nothing.
Failure is data. Failure is eliminating a way that didn't work. Making a mistake is valuable. Being proven wrong is a thrill, because it means they learned something new, and have a solid new piece of data to rely on for next time. Contrast this with the majority of people who will perform epic mental gymnastics just to avoid admitting they're wrong.
The reason they're so good at embracing failure, is because only the truth matters. They don't care about looking bad, they care about finding the truth. They don't care about ruffling feathers, they care about finding the truth. They don't care about a bit of extra mental effort, they care about finding the truth. This is how most toddlers start out. They ask why, uncaring of failure, only seeking useful wisdom. Unfortunately, most people abandon truth-seeking in favor of comfortable, unchallenging thinking.
This is a bit like open-mindedness, because it comes from a love of ideas. A love of data. Smart people are 'greedy' for data. Why decide what road to take, when you can GPS from your couch? Discover road conditions, detours, and destinations? Why dismiss someone, when you can observe them closely and discover their value? Smart people gather as much data as they can, before coming to conclusions. Unlike most people who make snap-judgments, ignoring all the data life is serving up.
"Hol' up. Hold the f**k up. Amoral? True geniuses are amoral? No. I ain't buyin' that."
"Relax. You're probably thinking 'amoral' like stories from the media. Amoral villains. Machiavellian sh*t. That's not actually what the word means."
George and I had stopped walking during his outburst and I could feel a tension in the air. He'd been following along so well. He could tell I knew what I was talking about. Was he going to let some assumption or old belief be a deal-breaker here? Was he going to stop gaining wisdom here, or would he remain open-minded like a true genius and talk it out? Would he seek understanding? My mind raced while my nerves stood on end.
"I dunno man. I'm a positive dude, and this sh*t's getting dark."
"It's really not. If you'll let me finish, it'll all become clear."
George's fists clenched, then released, his shoulders dropped, and he let out a sigh. "Fine. Go ahead."
"Amoral doesn't mean geniuses are cruel, it just means they see beyond 'good' and 'evil'. They realize that the correct, helpful, or beneficial course of action changes. What was helpful at one time or culture, may not help here, now. The 'good' choices that worked previously may be 'bad' in a new situation. They won't get sucked into talk of good and evil. Instead, smart people focus on producing the most desirable outcome for all. Unlike average-thinkers. Average minds bicker about the good & evil of politics. They fight over the right & wrong of celebrity behavior. They argue on the 'light' or 'dark' side of current trends. Geniuses put judgments like that aside and seek truth and positive results for as many as possible. Does that make sense?"
"Sooooo...uh... I gotta apologize for spazzing on you like that. That's my bad. As usual, what you've said makes sense, and as usual you know what you're talking about. And as usual, I'm the dumba$$ who doesn't know sh*t."
"Hey, don't beat yourself up bro. We all have issues and traumas and triggers. I get it. It happens. You should actually be proud of yourself, you just pulled a genius move."
"I did? Yep. You handled your own emotions and conflict in a (mostyl) mature way. You sought understanding and allowed me to explain. You kept an open mind and admitted when what I said made sense."
"Hey! I really did! Haha, thanks dude."
"For real, thank you, the world could use more mature bredrin. Let's cover a few more traits:
Smart people experiment. Especially if minimal data is present, or something is unknown, they'll experiment. They experiment often. Always seeing if they can find a better, smarter, more efficient path to results. By doing this they quickly surpass more timid learners. And if they have a teacher, or observe the experiments of others, they'll soak up that valuable data as well. But whatever data they get, they challenge. They put it to the test. All results are questioned until they're sure their conclusions are secure.
And these experiments are all very methodical. Wise people know that changing many variables at once is foolish. They know it teaches very little. If they're adjusting a recipe, they change ONE spice and taste-test, to see what impact that one spice had. If it makes the recipe better, they add it to their permanent recipe, and proceed to test ONE MORE spice. Step by step. Methodical experiments. If they're trying to persuade someone to listen, and it fails, they discard that approach. Then they methodically move on to another. Everything is very intentional. They indulge zero panic, anxiety, or jumping around. They methodically see things to a result. They know a solution's out there, and patiently test paths to it, efficiently. When's the last time you saw an average person do this?
They practice focusing all their senses on a goal. Especially when that goal is learning. If they're absorbing a lesson, smart people are listening intently. They listen not just to the teacher's words, but to their tone, inflection, body language and more. If they're taking notes and the lighting's too low, they quickly add illumination. If it's at all possible to get a physical or practical example of what's being taught, they'll seek it out to touch. They practice focus like this for as long as possible, because a wandering mind misses vital data. Unlike most people's distraction, and their failure to retain most of what's in front of them.
Smart people practice their recall skills. They value memory. They know that memory is the foundation of knowledge. They know that by remembering ideas & solutions, they can use those pieces as 'idea-legos'. They're building-blocks for creating more beneficial ideas and deeper understandings. So they're constantly challenging their own recall and understandings, to ensure they're solid.
Despite smart people's logical approach, they never discount their intuition. Einstein knew knowledge, facts, and logic only get you so far. Tesla knew he was connected to a deeper, wider, higher power. Goethe knew you could believe yourself into genius. And that that was actually how the universe works. Smart people know they have a connection to something greater. That their intuition is insanely valuable. They act accordingly. Unlike people who immediately talk themselves out of their intuition with mental rhetoric. Whew, done."
"Better be. Dang. Are these really traits of true intelligence?"
"What do you think? You think it's stuff normal people look for like 'complex vocabulary', or you think it's next-level, non-judgmental, open-minded sh*t like 'seeing beyond dark and light', in their pursuit of truth?"
"You got me there man."
"It's not just me, study some of the greats and you'll notice stuff like this:
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” - Albert Einstein
“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.” - Johann Goethe
“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration.” - Nikola Tesla
"Wow. They all be talkin' 'bout the same thing you are. Higher power. Belief. Placebo stuff. Focus, beliefs. All that."
"Yep, and the cool thing is, you can develop all the epic traits I covered earlier because...
Beliefs, mood, & focus are first principles of genius.
(Especially focus.)"
"Tell me how. Now. Immediately. Tell me. This is what I've been waiting for. Go. Shoot. Tell-me, tell-me, tell-me--"
"OK! Hah!
You develop them with focus. Your focus is a laser. Average minds misuse their laser, but...
The wise have total control over their laser.
Think about your focus.
You can focus on being more open-minded, questioning, truth-seeking, and so on. Or you can choose to focus on Netflix, election-drama, & covid-narratives. What you choose to focus on determines what qualities you develop. Focus decides whether you’re smart, or just an average-thinker pretending to be smart.
Plus, you can choose to hyper-focus on details, or you can choose a holistic overview. You can focus on numbers, fact, and intellect. You can focus on deep wisdom. You can focus on neither, or both.
Your attention can laser-focus in, or broad-beam outward.
Sloppy thinkers practice focusing their attention hardly at all. And it shows. They miss the point often, because their attention is on irrelevant things. They’re distracted easily. The narrow beam of their attention easily loses focus from the topic at hand. Life tries teaching them, but their focus-beam is so weak, they absorb none of the lesson.
Truly great minds practice masterful control over their focus. They control whether it’s specific or general, and when.
Anyone can become a genius at anything, if they focus long enough and deeply enough.
This is why so many geniuses are described as ‘obsessed’. Personally, I’d replace IQ tests with focus-tests. ‘Beam-control’ tests. Attention-tests. Something that tests a person’s mastery over their own focus and attention. It’d be a huge wake-up call to everyone who thinks they’re smart. Because big words & rote facts are nothing compared to one who uses their focus to raise their smarts.
And then the question would become…
'How can you tell if someone has great focus-control?'"
"I was just thinking that. How?"
"The answer ain't simple...
It's kind of like spotting kombucha-lovers."
"Ahahaha!" George doubled over, wheezing with laughter. I didn't think it was that funny, but I guess it is a pretty funny image if you imagine walking through a concert with labels popping up, robocop-style, indicating kombucha-lovers or something. Eventually George caught his breath. "You mind if we sit on a bench or something? My feet are buzzin'."
"Oh, yeah, my bad... was getting pretty into the convo. How about over there?" I pointed to a nearby park bench. George nodded and we sat down.
"So, where was I?
"Kombucha." This, unsurprisingly, was followed with more belly laughs.
"Right. True geniuses are those who focus quickly & easily on increasing wisdom, creativity, and knowledge. I’m not sure this is something we can ‘see’, but people are always trying to do it.
So here's some focus-related tips you can look out for:
Since great minds value their focus, they avoid wasting it on 'busywork'. They know they could be doing something 'better'.
They're practical. Related to the previous point, great minds want results. They want a valuable benefit to come from their valuable focus. Even if they're 'failing', it's focused on eliminating things that don't work. All so they can zero in on an effective approach.
The quiet wallflower that everyone ignores, may be the smartest one at the party. The homeless guy who refuses to do what society deems proper, may be the smartest one on the street. The advisor behind your favorite politician, may be the smartest person at the debate. Sometimes smart people refuse to be 'normal', or focus so intensely they don't care about their surroundings... so it may be worth a look.
If you're looking anywhere there are lies, drama, or chaos, you probably won't find a great mind. They've already wisely stepped away from that situation to ensure their productive focus.
Smart people can be found anywhere, even in groups. But be careful. Because whoever the group is focused on or paying most attention to will tend to skew things. People tend to focus on the loudest & brightest, not the smartest. It's easy to get caught up in thinking celebrity X or radio-host Y is smart, simply because 'the group' believes it.
"Yeah, I remember you mentioning that back at the restaurant. And I'm starting to think I'm not very focused."
"Compared to the world's truly intelligent, you may not be."
"Hey, one mark of a smart mind is the ability to admit the truth about themselves and assess things correctly and precisely. I'm just sayin'."
"Still man, uncalled for."
"So sensitive. You want me to teach or coddle your ego? Let me give a few more signs of focus.
Because they have such great focus, geniuses can learn something quickly, and move on to other topics. They can easily enjoy the wide buffet of ideas life has to offer, and so they do. They're often polymaths. They see the value in outside fields. They realize everything's connected. So even if they're learning something 'outside' their field... they know they can apply it back to their core discipline.
They tend to disagree with many conventional ideas. This is because many conventional ideas are obsolete. Yet they're still believed by average-thinkers. Or conventional ideas are poorly founded. Yet they remain popularized by average-thinkers. Or better ideas exist. Yet they've not been considered by average-thinkers. There's loads of reasons for truly great minds to disagree with commonly held beliefs."
"Hold up. Remember when we were doing the group project with Vincent? And he literally disagreed with everything you said, even when you were making total sense?"
"Of course, how could I forget. Dude sucked all the energy and productivity outta the group, every time he group-emailed."
"Right. So are you telling me he's a genius?"
"C'mon man. You gotta think for yourself here. Of course contrarian, nit-picky trolls exist. They're usually desperate for validation, attention, and feeling 'right', and their favorite path to this is to prove something...anything... wrong. I was like this myself back then."
"You were?"
"Yeah, it's embarrassing to look back on it now. I was just less intense about it than Vincent, so none of y'all noticed, heh."
"It probably helped that you were right, and we could all see it."
"Well, that helped too."
"Alright, so I get it that I have to learn to assess people's intelligence better, and I can't just rely on one point here or there, or rely on some checklist."
"I appreciate it. So, shall I keep going?"
"Oh yes, you shall, please continue my dear good man, sir, chap."
We laughed at George's attempt at a British accent and I barrelled forward.
This goes along with the previous point. Depending on their maturity-level, smart people will often snap at dumb people. Even the most zen of men have the chance of snapping. They'll be pouring effort to help out an average-thinker. Meanwhile that person simply refuses to open their mind. Their frustration builds up during the conversation. But the 'slower' person rarely notices it. Then "all-of-a-sudden" the smart person "blows up" in anger. Traumatized, smart minds may paint all 'normies' with the same brush.
Smart people can usually see the big picture. They think things through. They understand that acting based on fleeting emotions rarely gets results. So smart people often demonstrate discipline. They often 'play the long game' to get what they want. Whether that's in an experiment, a job or project, a conversation or politics, etc.
A 'locus of control' is what we believe about results. If we believe results rely on our personal choices, we have an internal locus. If we believe our results come from events outside of us, they have an external one. Smart people have so many traits that lead to an internal locus of control. It's strange to find a smart person who can't solve problems. Or overcome obstacles. They're used to getting results using their own choices and abilities. So this is a good thing to look for."
"Like to hear yourself talk, eh bro? You done?"
"Keep up the attitude and I will be."
"Ayyy, just joking, easy, easy."
"I know, heh. We're almost done anyway. And I should give a caveat about these spotting tips."
"They're just guidelines.
Just because I spoke them with emphasis doesn’t mean they’re rock-solid, or guaranteed ways to spot smart souls. They’re just things I’ve heard suggested. One of them doesn’t automatically mean “Aha! Genius”! But if you notice a blend of these things in someone, plus some of the underrated traits I listed earlier, then there’s a high chance you’ve found a truly great mind. Of course, a truly smart person would observe their target over time, gathering data, to determine if they are indeed… truly smart."
“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
"The more you teach me about this, the dumber I feel, ell oh ell."
"Yo, that ain't right man. You've gained more wisdom, knowledge, and understanding on this topic than a hundred books. You've leveled up huge. You wanna know real 'dumbing down'? Here's something you may not realize...
Society is dumbing you down, right now.
The group, tribe, or collective is always exerting pressure and influence on outliers. If you uproot an American and put them into a European country, what happens? Despite them being a die-hard hand-shaker, they begin greeting friends with a kiss on the cheek. Or they at least begin using slang they’d never dreamed of before, like ‘wanker’. Or drop them into the middle east, and even if they’re lefty, they’ll quickly learn to use their right hand for eating. All because culture exerts vast influence on the people in it.
And it works on the wise too.
They may not even realize it. And even if they’re smart, they may end up embracing culture just to avoid confrontation or discord. A ‘culture’ is an environment. And the one we’re in exerts pressure on anyone ‘going against it’."
"That. Is. Wack. Yo."
"Yep. And what does this mean?"
"Who knows? It means, um, the 'dumb' masses are heavy?"
"You know, I think you just summed it up better than I ever have. Can I use that?"
"I'd be honored, bredg."
"And to clarify, it means an environment of ‘dumb masses’ pressure the ‘smart few’, hard. They do this just by existing, the same way a Middle-Eastern culture would pressure a visiting westerner. Being smart can feel difficult. Unpleasant.
And this gives insight on what it's like to be smart.
Being smart can feel like drowning forever."
"Kinda heartbreaking. These bright lights sound like they suffer in obscurity, invisibility, and pressure to conform."
"They often do. That said, truly great minds usually won’t give into the cultural pressure…
But that doesn’t make it fun.
But the pressure is always there. Smart people are drowning in it. It’s like a sea of stupidity, and it takes a lot of mental effort and strength to maintain one's integrity and wisdom in it.
Smart minds are often treading water in a sea of average beliefs, average approaches, and average-thinkers. Now imagine they get tired of dealing with it. Imagine they don’t have the mental strength necessary to buck the influence of an idiocracy? What happens?"
"I honestly have no clue. Even though you've told me so much, smart people still feel like an alien world at this point."
"They cave to the influence and become just like everyone around them. They let go of their mental discipline and get sucked under, into a culture of closed-minds.
All a smart person wants, is to be themselves, contribute what their mind has to offer, and be loved and rewarded for their contribution. Same as any human. Instead no one gets them. Their value is ignored or reviled. Their culture holds them underwater, and they retreat to anywhere they can find a breath of fresh air.
This is why some smart people prefer to be loners.
It’s a solution to being immersed in stupidity all-day, every day."
"That's hardcore, man. It makes me wonder...
Does this turn geniuses into cynics?"
"Well, it’s likely to.
Smart people are often bullied, marginalized, and cast-out. Society is designed for the middle of the curve. It’s designed to help the average majority be comfortable. It’s not designed to challenge them. It’s not designed for the differently abled. It’s not designed to embrace genius.
Because of this, many smart souls view society with suspicion or hostility. Western hierarchy is harsh. Society loves someone slightly different, but hates those who are extremely different. Since during childhood peers, teachers, and parents all appeared to be enemies, many geniuses believe that’s all the world is. Being hated by enemies. They offer their insight. They aim to correct and help others. But no good deed ever goes unpunished.
So a seemingly ‘logical’ conclusion is to be cynical."
"That explains Rick & Morty."
"That's a whole other discussion, heh."
"Anyway, once a genius has become bitter towards society, they tend to become more and more isolated. They embrace their role as an outsider, and never re-connect to the society that seemed to have no place for them.
This loneliness and isolation is so common, it has become a trope. 'Intelligence Equals Isolation.'"
"Homes, are you crying?"
"Hey man, I've lived much of my life in that isolation. I was homeless and shunned for years. I know what it feels like. Throw me a bone here."
George put his hands up, palms open and raised his eyebrows. "Aight, so I'm assuming this is a 'mental' isolation, 'cause you said smart peeps can blend in with society?"
"Nailed it. It's a communication isolation. It's having to talk about mundane things, work mundane jobs. It's never being able to speak your truth because everyone would just misunderstand it and jump all over you for it. Basically...
Invisible genius, invisible pain.
Real geniuses can experience existential crises, social anxiety, depression, autism, nihilism, and more. Often their whole lives. Imagine not being able to enjoy day-to-day life like everyone else. Why? Because you’re a different, gifted, outcast. Imagine people disliking you just because you know things they don’t, and having to hide it just to fit in. They have a different ‘communication range’ than average people, which makes meaningful interaction quite difficult, like a person talking to an ant. True geniuses often struggle with identity and sink, bit-by-bit, into the stormy seas of meaninglessness.
And you're in those seas right now."
"Say what, son?"
"You've been surrounded by 'wisdom-haters.'
You might even be one without realizing it."
"Who you calling a zombie? Puh-leeze. You don't even know what one looks like since you bailed on Walking Dead before season two."
"Well remember earlier how you got pissed when I implied you might not be on the same level as the truly smart peeps of the world?"
"Yeah, but you explained it was all about honest assessment and avoiding denial."
"Right, but since admitting that others may be smarter than us ‘feels bad’, most of society just chooses to hate wisdom instead. If they ridicule 'smart' they can pretend it's 'bad' and never face the fact that they're not so bright. And the funniest part is, the wisdom-haters are often the ones who appear most intelligent."
"That makes zero sense."
"Ah, good sir, but it does."
"How do you figure?"
"Wannabes desperately try to look smart.
They’ve spent so much time and energy trying to look smart because they’re so ashamed of admitting they might know less than others.
They’ll use flowery, intellectual words. They’ll cite stats and studies. They’ll run circles around you with rhetoric. They’ll dress stylishly and charm you. They’ll hold ‘respected jobs’ that make them look smart. They’ll do everything they can to get people thinking they’re smart.
And since society isn’t very smart, their snake oil gets bought.
But the truly wise avoid most of this song and dance. They’re not out there trying to look smarter than others. They’re simply offering their wisdom, creativity, and intelligence to the few people who are receptive to it. They’re rarely correcting ‘the masses’ or calling out the wannabes because all it does is make the wisdom-haters dig in their heels more, and turn a smart person into a target."
"Sheeeeeeeeeooooooot. That actually does make sense. Ya hate to see it. Snap."
"'Zactly. So if you're going to be smart, hopefully you do it well."
"I'm wondering if I even need to be smart, maybe it's safer to live in ignorance and misunderstanding..."
"It might be 'safer', but did you really come to earth for a 'safe' life? Do you think your purpose on this planet is to play small, not grow, and not improve your wisdom?"
"Hell no."
"Good. Then commit to being smarter, because...
Your dreams are locked behind wiser choices.
You don’t have to be smart to get money, fame, power, beauty, or anything else you want.
But you do have to elevate your beliefs, mood, and focus.
And the truly wise are those who consciously and intentionally wield their beliefs, mood, and focus to problem-solve. Sometimes this means developing smarter traits, sometimes it means collaborating with people who have them, sometimes it means ‘creating your own luck’.
Whatever the case, the unwise neglect these 3 key ingredients and languish in mediocrity, realizing very few of their dreams. Smart people make wise choices about these 3 things. They value their focus, they’re careful with their beliefs, they elevate their mood. They do this because they understand this is the path towards solutions, achievement, and dream realization.
Each passing day you could practice the most important life skills.
And each day you stay comfy & avoid practice, you’re pissing your dreams away.
You deserve to unlock the path to everything you want, and it’s easy. The only thing is you’re either a person who’s wasting the opportunity for improvement or a person who’s stepping up and using it."
The streets had been quiet up til now, just a few stragglers. But our chat was interrupted by a gaggle of giggling girls walking by. Perhaps they'd been attending some concert or late-night event. George and I kept silent and appreciated their energy, beauty, and vibrance as they passed.
Or at least, that's what I was doing.
"J-Ryze. I think we missed something super important."
"I mean, I don't wanna call you sexist or anything, but...
You haven't mentioned any female geniuses!"
"That’s because I’m trying to use examples that resonate and speak to the majority of people who read this. Names like Einstein and Tesla and Musk ‘click’ with people quite well.
The names of female geniuses like Goodall, Curie, and Hopper, unfortunately, just aren't as well known.
Think about it. We've been talking for hours. Hopefully you get that my teachings aren't meant to be a crusade against society’s male biases.
For example, I’d love to explain that female geniuses are everywhere. They use the tools of genius just as well as men. They use their beliefs, moods, and most importantly, focus. It’s just that they use them to become genius at other important areas of life. They use them to become geniuses at performance and expression. They use their focus to become genius at fashion and body language. They use their focus to become genius at care-giving. Many women (ie: Beyonce, Oprah) are more brilliant at these subjects than Einstein or Tesla could ever dream of being. Why? Because those are the areas many women have chosen to become genius at.
I’d love to dig deeper into this, but it’s not the point of the article. I hope that makes sense and you can see the truth:
I absolutely adore female geniuses too, whether I’ve decided to include them here or not."
"Fine, but you missed something else too. And I'd say it's an even bigger issue."
"Oh? What might that be."
"You failed to account for genetics!"
You're correct, I made no attempt to account for genetics."
"Why? Intelligence is genetic, right?"
"I left it out because people understand genetics even less than they understand intelligence. I'd need another 15,000 words just to give you the basics of genetics, and ultimately it's way less relevant than people think."
"How come?"
"Because of this key fact: genetics evolve. They're changeable. And not just in the next generation after you die. Your cells can change, here, now. Your brain can become smarter, here, now. Some people evolved their stomachs to digest metal. There are ‘genetically normal people’ who’ve transformed their cells. They’ve become immune to cold and illness under the instruction of Wim Hof.
Yes, people can start with genetic advantages and disadvantages, but intense focus, positive beliefs, and elevated mood can transform a human being. It’s the process of evolution and mutation and it can happen faster than most people imagine.
The point is, I’m not here to tackle nature vs. nurture, or whether genetics, environment, or upbringing are more important for creating genius. I’m here to give insight.
And I’m here to teach you how to elevate your genius, no matter what genetics you’re starting from."
George let out a sigh. "I hear all this, man. Thank you for clearing it all up. I gotta be honest with you bro, I feel like you've given me more here than years of schooling has. All I did was cover your beers--"
"--and my burger--"
"--that too, but I mean... why? Why let me pick your brain like this? It could literally be a best-selling book on genius, and you're giving it away."
"Because I want you to understand genius. I want as many people as possible to understand it.
I don't want others to suffer like I did.
I got a jump-start on being smart. I was raised to be extra creative, wise, and intelligent since I was little. But being something doesn’t mean we understand something. I was intelligent but didn’t understand intelligence. And I suffered for it. I ended up homeless for years, betrayed, abandoned, jailed, failed 15+ businesses, and attempted suicide. Because having smarts while simultaneously misunderstanding how the world treats smart people is torture. It’s a recipe for pain. And it’s easily solvable. So I spent a crazy amount of time and energy explaining it here, so you hopefully spread this. If you share these perspectives with others, you'll help more smart peeps understand their own life’s journey.
"Plus I'll help society understand more about intelligence too!"
"Spot on."
"Sounds like a great cause man."
"I think so. I dream of people getting a leg up on this topic.
It's also selfish though, because I want more smart people around me.
I dream of people...
Learning to learn better.
Fast learners are what humanity needs. We crawl at a snail’s pace on society’s biggest issues, because people don’t learn very fast. But they could.
- Imagine a society mostly made of people who 'get it.'
- Imagine a world where wisdom is celebrated & sought after.
- Imagine a world where kids are raised to use their focus well.
- Imagine what we'd create.
- Imagine how smoothly our cities would run.
- Imagine how impressive our inventions would be.
- Imagine how fast we'd evolve and improve.
- Imagine if these teachings were one step towards a great future."
"I'm in awe, my guy. I can totally see it. It's a beautiful vision."
"I think so. But for it to happen, I've got to convince people to...
Practice smartness.
I've got to convince them to admit ignorance. I've got to get them to practice critical thinking with a positive heart.
I’ve got to convince people to invest effort in their thinking. I’ve got to wake them up from auto-pilot thought-processes and spoon-fed media. I’ve got to persuade them that being wrong is a blessing, and they should actively seek it out. I’ve got to convince people to practice smartness. So I’m studying persuasion. I’m building my influence. I’m attracting the money, power, popularity, and respect that will be necessary. Will I accomplish it in my lifetime? Who knows. But I’ll have fun trying.
Why? Because I believe...
You're meant to be wiser.
You didn’t come to earth to reach a certain ceiling of intelligence, and that’s it. You came to earth to grow. Grow your intelligence. Grow your success. Grow your mind and body. Deep down in your DNA, you know this. But society has trained us away from the main tools of our growth. It’s trained us away from our focus. It’s trained us away from controlling our beliefs. It’s trained us away from elevating our moods. Society’s obsession with instant-gratification and misunderstandings of life has trained us away from critical thinking skills and expending mental effort.
I’d love to help you let go of all the unhelpful trainings. I’d love to help you move beyond what most people have taught you about intelligence. I want to encourage the natural wisdom and creativity you’ve been connected to since you were young. I want to help you become a better thinker."
"What you're basically saying is that you want me to--"
'--Think like a god!"
"What? Blasphemer! Auntie would disown you for that."
"She might. Or she might get my point.
I don't mean think like the 'capital-G' god, I mean think in a top-tier way. Think like a truly great thinker would think. I want to help you think like a scientist, philosopher, doctor, mechanic, artist, poet, oracle, and more all rolled into one. All of these types of people have valuable, helpful ways of approaching thought. I want to help you be a chameleon who’s able to think like all of them.
But most of society will only teach you to think like one of them. You’ll end up with limited thinking and narrow focus. You’ll be able to tap into the super-intelligence of life only in certain fields or under certain conditions, and you’ll go back to ‘average’ thinking for the other areas of your life.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
There’s better waiting for you.
You just have to admit that maybe you don’t understand intelligence as well as you used to think. You just have to admit that I might know what I’m talking about, and that it’s worth an experiment. You just have to verify my teachings in the most open-minded approach you can manage."
"Thanks teach!"
"Hah, I love it. To teach is king.
Clarity is power.
Understanding cures all fears. As a child, if you burn your hand on a stove, you may fear it for quite some time. But as you grow, and begin to understand electricity, appliances, heat, etc., you no longer fear the stove. Instead you use it for your own benefit.
Same thing goes for intelligence. If you understand it, it’s not a scary, mysterious thing. It’s not something to be avoided or dismissed. It’s not something to just believe society about. Instead…
…it becomes a powerful tool for your benefit.
This is why I love teaching so much. Because clarity empowers us all. It helps us ryze up to our greatest potential."
"You really think people are gonna understand all this?"
"They will if they share the wisdom. If they pass it on to others. Most people think they understand stuff, but they don't really. The test is if they can teach it.
To learn, we must teach.
If you’re able to explain something well, you can be confident you understand it. If you stumble during your explanations, or can’t simplify the concept, you don’t really understand it. Hopefully I simplified some aspects of intelligence here. If I did, it’s a good sign that I understand what I’m talking about.
Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if you believe in Howard Gardner’s 8 intelligences. It doesn’t matter if you believe g is the true measure of intelligence. It doesn’t even matter if you believe me. What matters is that you understand intelligence is something you can personally experience, something you can personally improve, and something you deserve to benefit from in your life. And regardless of whether I was off on a detail here or there, my main teaching is quite solid, and all about helping you tap into it."
"Hmm... Maybe I can teach my niece or something, if she's interested in it."
"Well, if you want a jumpstart, my main teaching about genius, the one that underlies everything I've said to you, is this:
Anyone can 'believe' their way to genius.
For example…
I’ve helped @cynshineonline go from understanding almost nothing about life to controlling her own destiny. And although untested, has jumped many IQ points since we’ve met.
She’s 180’d on thousands of beliefs and shed countless pieces of societal conditioning.
I’ve helped her transform her beliefs, improve her mood, and refine her focus quickly.
And I can do the same for you.
Cyn wouldn’t be considered a ‘genius’ yet, but for someone who spent decades not understanding much about life, she’s made stunning improvements. And they continue."
"And she leveled up in life just by changing her beliefs?"
"Yep. She made it hard at the beginning, but she didn't have to be so stubborn, and if you ask her now she'll tell you it's easy to change beliefs.
She may even demonstrate that you can change a belief in about 10 min."
"Well, what beliefs might I want to change to improve my intelligence?"
"There’s many beliefs to work on if you want more intelligence in your life.
Things like:
- 'I learn faster and faster.'
- 'My intelligence, wisdom, & creativity continually improve.'
- 'I’m more and more open-minded all the time.'
- 'I value critical thinking and have fun using it.'
- 'I practice assessing information that flows to me, well.'
- 'I’m curious, and take initiative on my curiosity.'
- 'I love experimenting, it’s fun to acquire data.'
- 'I practice connecting ideas in creative ways, often.'
- And many more.
And I know one key trick to change your beliefs, fast.
I call it a Belief-Wheel.
It’s a simple exercise and all it takes is a pen and paper (or a blank document), and you. It can be done in under ten minutes without much effort.
But it still takes practice. It still requires you to make a change in your routine. It still means you have to sit down and actually do it.
To me, it’s a simple choice."
"Yeah, but I'm guessing it's one most people fail to make."
"It boils down to something like this:
Spend time on Netflix, or on your dreams?
Do you close this browser window and go back to your normal life of average thinking? Or do you make a new decision, change things, and start blazing a trail towards your own true genius?
Do you let yourself get sucked into the sea of mediocrity out there? Or do you dive into my belief-ladder exercise and head towards your dreams? The question is...
Are you truly psyched to level-up your smarts?"
"If what I’ve said here resonates with you, and you feel like you’re ready to improve your intelligence, I have two (completely free) options for you."
"Tell me!"
"One: Dig deep into how to master your beliefs, since they're key to levelling up your smarts.
Two: Head straight to the belief-wheel exercise and start improving your 'genius beliefs', if you already understand what beliefs to change.
The Belief-Mastery Mega-Guide | Belief-Wheel Tutorial |
As a kid, you were a belief-master. Your beliefs helped you grow, learn, achieve... and have fun doing it. But something happened. | This exercise improves your mind & carves a confident, clear path towards what you want. It elevates your beliefs, mood, and focus. Try it and see. |
Read The Belief Mega-Guide | Go Right To The Tutorial |
"Bro, every time you teach me something, I realize I spent my life barely scratching the surface. So I'm not gonna try this belief-wheel thing until I go and learn what you have to say about beliefs first."
"Seems like a wise choice. I gotta get back home, but I'll leave you with one last word of warning:
To be seen as smart, you must dumb down.
Being smart is different from being recognized as smart.
Increasing your intelligence is one thing. Increasing your respect from ‘average thinkers’ is a totally different one.
If you'd rather be seen and recognized as 'smart,' by the masses, don’t bother focusing on gaining real wisdom. Instead, you’re better off focusing on persuasion, charm, and ‘dumbing-down.’ Turn your views, speech, and wisdom into pithy soundbites and catchy quotables. The public will adore you and consider you smart.
Being smart is a blessing and a curse. So is the respect of the masses.
You can have both but it takes true finesse. Most people end up choosing one or the other, so be careful which you choose, and why.
Whatever choice you make, know I wish you success.
Thanks so much for reading, I appreciate you. And if you have any thoughts to share in the comments, I appreciate that as well. May you tap into your genius well and have a fantastic day.
P.S. If you want more of my unique teachings, please visit or find me @ryzeonline everywhere.
P.P.S. The images in this post are either drawn by me, or from the excellent stock sites & They're amazing, check them out. As well, the inspiration to re-write this came because @streetwize complimented my previous version. (Thanks for sparking this!)
(Edit: Made minor edits, including post-name & thumbnail.)
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Thank you, as always. I respect the 'gamification' of Hive, so cool! 🙏
Thank you @ryzeonline that's a beauty compliment to me I am honoured once again to be mentioned in your Blog mate I will read this one tomorrow but from my quick scan, it looks just as good :) it's 3:30am I best get some sleep lol
My pleasure, hope you enjoy the article, as well as your sleep! 😀
Congratulations @ryzeonline!
You raised your level and are now a Minnow!
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[..continues from] After children begin to speak the language, they've all but mastered the inquiry-based model with a single and magical word that opens their doors of perception to the nth degree. It is this word or question that enables them to learn at such a rapid pace until they are forced into the indoctrination camps and told to shut the fuck up. At these camps is where most children lose that magical spark and twinkle in their eyes.
They get forced to be silent and stifle their questions until the end. They are required to learn things out of order. In my opinion, our
ingness to learn naturally dictates what and when we should study any given topic. It is for these reasons that I feel like the school system deadened me on the inside. However, this isn't the case for everyone. When I got out of school and onto the internet, that's when my real education began.It was then when I got back to the "whys," whos, whats, wheres, and whens. It brought me back on track to my self-directed inquiry-based learning that was all but lost all those years ago. Presently, I am so interested in learning that I almost cannot resist searching the meaning of a foreign term, word, or concept when it gets presented to me. I've become addicted to learning.
However, I notice that some people don't share the same desire. The entire library of the world's information is at their fingertips, but somehow, and in some way, they've managed to reach the end of the internet. It would be nice to be able to somehow shake people out of that mindset.
Anyhow, great article! I can see you spent a lot of time and effort writing it, and those three gems that I mentioned in the other comment are probably the most important takeaway for me, and this is especially true when it comes to valuing focus. I've got more of a tractor beam situation going on lately and, it would be nice to at will, be able to turn it into a laser beam. But it can get challenging when you're interested in all the things. Lucky for me, my aim is learning in general.
Yes, yes, yes. A thousand times yes.
As kids we are inquiry-virtuosos, 'why'-maestros.
And along the way, everything you outlined tends to happen. Sit down, shut up, stop inquiring, do what we're told, etc.
It can certainly make it challenging for a bright young person to maintain their beliefs, moods, and focus effectively. (But it is technically doable.)
Anyway, I'm glad you're aware of all this, and pursuing learning in your own ways (whether tractor-beam or laser.)
Kudos, sir! 👌
(Also that Louie clip was hilarious, and the child put on a fantastic performance, somehow making a single word say so much more with each repetition.)
Good post. I'm not going to spam this one. I already said plenty on the first half. :)
Haha, all good, ty. 🤣🤣🤣
Another genius post, love your post formatting btw, have a technical question, how do you make those cool red headings in markdown?
Thank you kindly!
And yes, I do it by adding the code in this image:
It will turn out like this:
I'll be honest, I started to switch off and skim here. I probaby have bias, but in my experience the need to feel smart equates to a need to feel better than others and that usually results people making sure to continually prove that they're better than me. I get it, I'm an easy benchmark to be better than and although it does become wearing, what bugs me more is that they are doing it to others I care about.
This about sums it up. I'm guessing you're pretty much pointing out the pitfalls of this anyway.
By all means, skim or switch off as suits you. And I respect your views, biased or not. And I appreciate you reading any of it, as well as commenting. :)
Personally, I encourage each person to feel and be as beautiful as they desire. Or as successful as they desire. Or as wise as they desire. Or as loving as they desire. Or any other quality a person wants. Whether that turns out to be "a lot" or "a little" of those qualities, is up to each person. I judge no one's dreams or desires. If someone would like to be smarter, I encourage it, if not, that's fine too.
But anyone who has a need for any of these qualities, is very likely to conduct themselves poorly and be a detriment to those they interact with, so I'm wary of interacting with such types. :)
No need to guess, it'll remain on the blockchain for you to read more attentively, should you want to know. Thanks again! 😁