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RE: Love, Value and Accept Yourself (Self-Love)/ Quiérete, Valórate y acéptate (Amor propio)

in GEMS3 years ago

Beautifully written! Self-love is definitely the most important thing in life and it is sad how we rather focus on the things we don't like about ourselves, instead of focusing on our qualities. Self-love really comes from within and doing inner work is what builds that confidence. I always believe and say that being kind to others, helping others achieve their full potential and being there for others is a very simple, yet powerful step to love yourself more. And a very good thing you said, speaking to yourself in the mirror and doing positive affirmations daily is so important. Thank you for sharing and always remember, you are beautiful inside and out, be kind to yourself and others and the rest will follow :)


I am so glad you liked my writing. Excellent point of view about self-love and how to help others to get this love so they can be more positive in their lives.😃