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RE: Censorship resistance, and a built-in economic layer puts HIVE in the right direction

We're definitely on the leading edge of the "next generation" of the social Internet, as well as the way we handle financial issues.

The "gaping hole" remains commercial use cases; the ability to shop via blockchain/crypto venues.

As for the logging in issue, seems to me the blockchain space is ripe for someone to develop some kind of cross-chain standardized "ChainID" or "ChainPassport" that could serve as the blockchain version of "log in with Facebook/Google."


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We're definitely on the leading edge of the "next generation" of the social Internet, as well as the way we handle financial issues.

Yes, This is very true

The "gaping hole" remains commercial use cases; the ability to shop via blockchain/crypto venues.

Exactly, what we are trying to

As for the logging in issue, seems to me the blockchain space is ripe for someone to develop some kind of cross-chain standardized "ChainID" or "ChainPassport" that could serve as the blockchain version of "log in with Facebook/Google."address

I hope a developee finds this comment, and does something about it

Thanks for your contribution, sir, it is well appreciated

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