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RE: POB TALK 04/08/2021 - #67

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

today am here with another riddle, yesterday only @tfranzini62 who got the riddle, we just need to make it fun and interesting.

If a cat can jump 5 feet high, then why can’t it jump through a window that is 3 feet high?

drop you answer in the comment box, this is #proofofbrain so let us proof the brain thank you for engaging.

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Well, many possible reasons, the window is too small, it's closed, or the 3 inch is referring to the actual height of the window and not how high it is relative to the cat. If the cat is on the ground floor and there's a 3 inch window on the second floor it won't be able to reach it :-P

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yea time to give the anwer.

the window is closed so the cat can't jump through it.
most of us who engage got it right

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I have a cat and it can jump any window unless it’s closed 😁

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Good day insight.pob. nice to see another riddle. I guess The only reason it wouldn't be able to go through a window when it posses a higher jump ability is due to the window been shut or closed. This is one reason I come up with. Guess I am right on this?

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well i will give the answer when i think everyone has engaged

Because the window is closed.

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Good one and let me tease you a little bit outside the riddle ,by saying you did a good job by downvoting me on your previous account,cause I know your identity ok,,lolz.

Kindly go and do the needful, cause am going to start picking on you often and often now and all users might not see this,but will do a content that I will tag you too ok@timmzey

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Hang on, what's this about? Care to elaborate on this?

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