Aww poor Cheetah 😢 lovely funeral ceremony though. Went all fancy with the shroud, all of my pets had funerals but none got a burial shroud 😅
I think the various explanations to give him something to think about are a good idea as is the early instilling that not everyone knows everything and even though we know a lot now we still don’t know everything there has to know, always helpful to not expect answers to everything I guess.
How’s the little man doing now?
I think it is kind of nice that we don't know what happens after we shuttle off this mortal coil. It leaves a big mystery that I hope is never solved. At least, until we each come to that point. In some sort of macabre way, it is something to look forward to!
Fintan is fine, We brought him to the beach after and he had a great time catching crabs and then explaining all about them to anyone who would listen. He is like a mini David Attenborough.
Glad that he's doing okay :)
I'd happily listen to him bang on about crabs, I remember my kids at that age doing similar things XD