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RE: Memories of my grandfather -- the one who first taught me entrepreneurship (and how to play Pac-Man)

this is too intriguing for you to randomly toss in there without explanation

My son was charging the battery for his airsoft rifle (unattended). He was using an incompatible charger which caused the battery to catch fire. The battery caught a pile of clothes on fire. Fortunately, one of my other sons smelled the smoke and came and got me. I grabbed the fire extinguisher and extinguished the flames just a few minutes after it started. However, everything in the room was smoke damaged, including the Pac-Man machine.

If we had not been home at the time, it probably would've burned the house down.

That same day, my youngest daughter fell from the top of a jungle gym and hit her head on a metal railing on the way down, and ended up in the emergency room. Fortunately she was okay.

It was quite a day, though.


WOW! I'm always taking the "use the charger from the box" instruction seriously from now on. jesus! also, sorry that happened to her. must have been scary