
But it's clear their response was a form of thought, correct?

holding thoughtforms (noun) and repeating them is not evidence of active thinking as a verb.

How many times did that individual say that to you?

The repetition is not in the number of times spoken in this thread, but in the absence of consideration of the content of the post and any counter narrative evidence. The repetition is of the narrative being spun constantly through mainstream media and government sources. There is a reason why mind control functions through constant repetition and a reason why those under it's spell will tend to just blindly repeat and not question.

There is a reason why mind control functions through constant repetition and a reason why those under it's spell will tend to just blindly repeat and not question.

You've said repetition (repeating, repeat) six times. Should I be concerned? Are you attempting to control my mind by repeating your repetition narrative? Is what you're saying what you'd prefer I believe? Do you take this same position often? What makes you think humans are "largely unconscious?" Are those who fully agree with you, awake? Are you awake? If so, can you explain what being awake feels like?

I am talking about the kid of repetition that involves silicon valley censoring dissenting doctors and researchers in order to facilitate a constant stream of curated language that all points in the same direction. Sign posts and guilting all around, trying to overcome any 'resistance' or in other words 'free thinking'. If you think me using a word several times in a short conversation is a challenge to your ability to think freely, then wait til you participate in wider society!

I don't prefer anyone to believe anything, I advocate for total cessation of belief - since beliefs are mere guesswork taken as the truth.

My study of the nature of consciousness over a very long time and engagement in the process of making the unconscious conscious have shown me a great deal. It is the consensus of scientists who study humanity that most of most people is unconscious, this is not really debated. Most people won't be able to recall last week unless they are triggered to do so - this is an example of extreme unconsciousness. Consciousness notices, while unconsciousness denies and fails to recall or process.

Are those who fully agree with you, awake? Are you awake?

Agreeing with me is not proof of being more awake and aware than the average human. Being open to all sides of a situation and being willing to explore and comment on them is one way to demonstrate a receptive level of consciousness. Being able to communicate with balance, coherence and compassion demonstrates a heart centered level of consciousness. Even these are only introductory levels of above average awareness - yet they are disturbingly rare at this point.

I am more awake than I was empowered to be through school and by society. How much further I can go is unclear, but probably quite a bit further.

can you explain what being awake feels like?

greater consciousness includes an increased capacity and requirement for processing information and an associated increased level of cognition in general. this enables new levels of understanding to be reached, enables decisions to be made that improve wellbeing, creativity and so on. how it feels may change moment to moment since it includes greater sensitivity to reality and reality itself is in flux. in general, consistent emotional processing increases awareness and with right thinking and decisions making we will tend to feel happier and healthier as a result. in my own experience, greater awareness invokes a combination of joy and concern for different reasons.

Good. Now explain your reasoning to the one you insulted.

Have a nice day.