Definitely the evil eye is a psychological construction of the human being, I understand it as a tool that significantly influence the life of human beings, precisely because it moves them out of their comfort zone and exploring other solutions, other possibilities to which It is happening to you.
Understanding that from this point of view, and aside religious concepts, I find this type of construct very healthy, since they promote people to act.
From the other side whether they are myths or not, because that is simply something respectable, individual and very typical of each religion.
I do not believe in the evil eye as an esoteric force, but rather as an energy that drives people to act. We can take this energy as a NLP (neuro linguistic programming) from the point of view in which it contributes to culturally enriching all the language and symbolisms of any culture.
I could spend hours writing about this topic that I know too, but I don't want to make a complete publication within the comments my dear Qassim.
On this occasion you have touched a totally interesting and attractive topic, I congratulate you.