5 Minutes Freewrite; Don't be so Negative!


Josh just got a mail from his Mum that says "Don't be so negative about life".

He's a lad who holds his Mum's words very dear to his heart and this particular one hits hard due to the circumstances that are facing Josh at the moment. He's out there going through a divorce and he's about to lose the house he has been paying for since 15 years ago.

In addition to that emotional drama, he's faced with a chronic illness that no other person knows about. He's that kinda person... Life taught him to carry his cross alone. And, he's doing a really good job of doing that. The mail from his Mum is the most inspiring mail he has received in years.

The one that comes immediately after that is a sack letter from a Company he's been in since his early twenties. Wow! Imagine being Josh at the moment.

"Don't be so negative about life? Which life? Is this life even worth living?" Josh lamented bitterly.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop or Comma.
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This is a 5 minutes Freewrite I wrote using this prompt.


Yes Josh, life is still worth living, and soon you will begin to experience the brighter side of life. Heed your mom's advice Josh, they're worth more than gold.

That's true. The words our Mum says are usually worth so much. They are not to be taken for granted, even when the odds are not in our favor.

That's quite right exactly

We need to be more positive about life, that´s one of the secrets to live better!

I concur. Life is already hard as it is. Being positive about life is something we surely have to do.