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RE: Uncertainties Abound...

It’s just sad when people can only relate to the negativity, it not possibly for ones life to never have experience positivity. F we sleep
Tonight without no guarantee of waking up tomorrow other than a leap of faith why do we now see negativity as a big problem?

It hard to not think about it because that what makes us human but a negative mindset won’t attract anything good... to cap it all when a door closes their is always a window open..... look for the tiniest good thing is bad situation and let that give you hope and make you happy


It's hard not to think about the negatives when it's the only thing we see. Every hope is getting snuffed out and people are losing hope. Only God can help. It's tiring.

Yeah, you are right. The world now is full of negativity and hate is just what's been spread everywhere. We need a vaccine which is called love and I doubt if that will ever exist....

It is impossible not to think and the situation of the country is why we have lots of depression cases. Many youths have turn drug addicts just because of over thinking, it is hard but all our hopes should be on God.

We just have to try and see things God's way. We need to try and change the way we think...then it helps with what we see.

It is impossible not to think about these things truly but we must hold on to our faith and believe instead of falling into deep thoughts about the situation of things.

That's just the only way we can survive the storm, look for the tiniest happiness and build your day on it


to cap it all when a door closes their is always a window open

There's always an open door with God, we just don't want to accept that.

God may be answering our prayer in one dimension but because there's this particular one He feels isn't important for us and won't answer that we run around seeking for help were there is no help

May we always remember that God is with us in all situation

And yep! We should create happiness for ourselves with the tiniest of them all.... That's the only way we will enjoy our life here on earth 😂

You say it all bro, but that’s exactly why we are human and we should appreciate all blessing big or small

It's hard not to think about the negatives when it's all we see but seeing how God sees things helps in changing our perspective.

Made me remember stormzy song, we blessed but sometimes it hard to see