What a perfect message to end the day, indeed God is the only one can see us through life struggles and in the midst of the storm, we just have to keep our head high and believe that he will see us through to the end.
What a perfect message to end the day, indeed God is the only one can see us through life struggles and in the midst of the storm, we just have to keep our head high and believe that he will see us through to the end.
A perfect ending, I agree with you. We have to keep our heads high and have faith in God. That's the only way we can deal with uncertainties.
He said, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest".
The rest means he will crown our effort and help us achieve everything we after. We just have to put our faith in him.
Exactly my dear friend.
The challenge is that people will always prefer fast fast answers and won't love to be patient.
In our dealings with God, patience is the key.
There are some prayers he doesn't answer not because He can't but because He knows the best for us and what we are asking for isn't the best
What you then see people do is to rush to the traditionalists and the rest of them and patronise them but the funny thing is that they run back to God after complicating issues
Where art thou our faith?
The first time I heard about prayers that God won't answer, I was surprised.
There was a guy who was desperate to own a car before the new year, every effort he made to acquire one failed so he stepped up and bought the car. Do you believe that this guy died the second day in an accident?
Nothing is indeed too much for God to do and when he isn't, we should know that there is a reason for that.
God knows the end from the beginning. God's response is always, yes, no or wait. The problem is we don't always want to wait. We want everything quick without thinking of what God is preventing us from.
That's the problem with our world currently
Impatience of the highest order
Patience is key. We want everything to happen quick, fast and on our terms but it doesn't always work that way. There is a place to wait...a place to do what we can and a place to hand off everything to God and say, I've done all I can by your help...take over.
This! Should be what our pastors and motivational speakers should always talk about
That's it, brother. He will crown our efforts. We need to do all we can and trust God to do all we can't.
Keep our heads high because situation of life would always want to keep us down and grounded. Hope and faith in God keeps us up.
Through faith in God, we can accomplish a lot of impossibility
Very true.
What we need is God to intervene
You are right, we just have to keep having faith and never give up and when thing go back we should just have it at the back of our mind that it just for a while not for a life time
Spot on.
He is the only one who can compliment our efforts perfectly in life and we just need to surrender all to him. Let him do what he does best.
Surrender all to Him...that's the thing. God always do what's best for us.
We fidget in difficult moments when we don't know what God is capable of doing for us
He alone can change everything in our life but the problem with our current trend of Christianity is that people don't truly get to understand what this God is capable of doing.
A post worthy of reflecting on always I must say👍
We don't even understand what God is keeping us away from but we always want to do things our way. We just need to learn how to fully trust God.
Trust and patience
Those are wonderful gifts if we want to go far in life
God is the only factor through it all. Without God there is little we can do. Our strength would fail but He supplies the needed help. Thanks for this.
God never disappoints; even when we disappoint him, he remains ever loyal to us.
That is one magnificent thing about him.
I came across a message saying "in all your doings, never lose your relationship with Him"
If you do something wrong, apologize and ask for forgiveness. He is as ready to forgive as we are to ask for it.
Stay safe dear