Last we had discussion on the same when it was still running on test net.
What were the results back then?
And it seems that everybody has just dropped the idea for a while now.
Are we facing any major issues or there are any infrastructure costs to be taken care of?
Anybody from Hive Developers community please feel free to answer with any amount of information that can be shared.
Thanks & Regards.
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Personally, I have no plans regarding Smart Media Tokens.
The SMT protocol will be somewhat delayed because it's not worked on by the same developers that worked on it at Steemit, Inc. There are two individual developers and one group working on the core blockchain code: @howo, the @blocktrades team and @netuoso. They've had to get up to speed as new developers. The Justin Sun deal and all debacle that followed threw a wrench into the works for a while causing, most importantly, the old developers to quit Steemit, Inc and move on to something else altogether.