Día 21. ¿De quien eres producto? o sea ¿a quien escuchabas cuando ibas creciendo?
Day 21. Whose product are you? I mean, who did you listen to growing up?
Hello Hive community. I hope you are doing very well. Today's question is quite ambiguous, but I will assume that it is about listening to that person who forged our character. Since I was little I always had the care of my parents, my mistakes were always corrected by them and I always tried to follow their advice, although I confess that in my rebellious stage, in many things I made the mistake of not listening to my parents and that's why things went even worse until I understood that listening to people who have experience makes us grow.
Although I have always listened to my parents and followed their rules, we all know that there is one to whom we listen the most, in my case it is my mother, who is my confidant, but she is the one who reprimands me the hardest and I confess that I am afraid of disappointing her or bothering her, my father is more spoiled and in his case, if I commit a fault he is not so hard on me, although my mother is. That is why between the two of them my mother, although she is my best friend, is the person to whom I listen and learn the most. It is important to keep in mind that in order to achieve a better way of behaving in life we must accept our mistakes and know how to listen to those who give us the best advice.
Well, I hope you liked my post today. Have a great start of the week.
Gracias por leer
thanks to read