2 Reasons Why You Should Write a Lot (On Hive or... Anywhere!)

in LeoFinance2 years ago


This is something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I've been listening to a lot of podcasts that have various people like Seth Godin and others who output a ton of content on a regular basis.

Putting out the content for them is not about the monetary reward: although I'm sure that's an aspect of it to them.

The monetary reward is more of a secondary effect of them putting out content.

Instead, they seek to put out all of this content for two reasons:

  1. It helps them
  2. It helps others

It Helps Them

When you write a lot, it changes the way your brain thinks. In my opinion, it does a lot of different things to your brain chemistry. The more you write, the more clear your thinking becomes. Writing becomes a way to synthesize, organize and more deeply connect with your thoughts.

I've found writing to be one of the most important practices in my life. I've fallen off the wagon a lot in terms of writing. I'll go through spurts of writing a lot and then spurts of writing very little.

In those time periods where I'm writing a lot, I find that I am very engaged with my brain. I have a kind of "lighter" quality to my thoughts throughout the day when I do a lot of writing in the morning.

Writing is the gateway to clear thinking. Being a clear thinker is the gateway to "the good life".

If you can think clearly, objectively and "lightly" then you can:

  1. Be a better business operator
  2. Enjoy a better emotional state
  3. Have better relationships
  4. and so much more!

It Helps Others

Whether you're a writer on the Hive blockchain or Seth Godin writing a daily blog, your writing can help others. Who knows, maybe one of you 5 people that reads my blog will gain something from hearing all of this.

Maybe you'll take this piece of writing and decide that writing can help you in your life. Maybe you'll start writing more. Maybe you'll start thinking more clearly. Maybe your emotional state will improve. Maybe your business and finances will improve.

Maybe you'll take all of that improvement and share it with someone else. Then maybe they'll start writing too.

Now I've had an impact on two people in this life. Hopefully a positive impact. That impact can carry major ripples throughout the universe and that is an exciting thing.

Writing is selfish and it is also unselfish. Writing is a beautiful thing and it doesn't matter if you're writing the deepest financial content or writing general content like this. It's all beneficial.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Some very important points. Not many writers are thinking on this level. Good post!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think this writing is great and I agree with it.

Writing is good for me, beyond the reward it makes me feel that I am writing my story, while others feed on what I tell them, on my emotions, on what I share with them.

This publication has come to me just like a glove, when others have been telling me that it was not well seen to write so much here.

They just think it's because of the rewards, as if they were too much.

It's a good time we spend here, it's nice to get a reward, but it's also therapy for the soul.

Thanks for this writing @chloem

Thanks, I needed to read such a post to not get discouraged and keep writing about blockchain: mission accomplished for your message :)

Great post. I agree.
I looked at writing this way- How much content I consume ( because I watch hours of TV everyday im my downtime) V/s how much I can create and be more productive. Especially as an artist.

I do feel the therapeutical effects but sometimes it could be stressful too. Especially when Im working against a deadline that I gave myself or when i hit a writers block.

It gets better with practice I guess.

i used to journaal a lot and when i do, I can relate to what your saying about how writing affects how you think. things start to "flow" more smoothly for sure.

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