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RE: SPS Flywheel and How to Get There

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I've got a fever...and the only prescription... is more flywheel (among other things listed here but it doesn't meme as well).
These types of discussions are incredibly healthy in a lot of ways and I'm glad everyone that spent time in the Mavchat today got involved. Sometimes it's healthy to hear why or why not an idea is viable or why others are far more against an idea than you are... rather than screaming into the void.
Removing as much DEC out of the system is a fantastic idea and the "DEC BONDS" idea is fantastic. Saving it for a future burn (good band/album name btw @fatjimmy) gives fomo as well as removal of the resource going forward. I personally would like to see the same deal available for all "bond holders" but could compromise if we had to for higher returns for bigger amounts--the only issue is that these DEC Bonds likely couldn't be split up if it's being used toward one person's land plot or whatever else a single user is going to use it for--so carrying a 20% bonus across the board regardless of the bond might be the way to go.
Other interesting unintended consequence of the DEC BOND which is pretty cool... burned cards get a 20% bump. That could be just enough if some people have cards "dying on the vine" and could be more beneficial to burn especially if DEC price jumps.
Fantastic discussion all that were involved thanks nealmcspreadcoofs for putting together our ramblings and of course adding greatly to the discord.


FUTURE BURN! Love it!! 🤣

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