When the BSC craze started in December, there was a vey high APY on pancake for BNB-EDLG pair, so I ended up holding some. Then it went up to 200, BNB did well to and I sold all of it. Looking at it now, seems to be in the same price range.
I read a bit about it, since I hodl it, they had some unique blockchain design, the have implemented SHARDS already, that is multiple blockchains on lvl 1, and proof of stake. Basically ETH2, live now. But still ETH2 will come sooner or later
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well the Cake pool is a good reason to hold anything.
It did sound to me like ETH 2.0, but no one seems to be building anything on it!
And as you say, everyone's eyes are on ETH.
I wonder what that will mean for BSC when ETH 2.0 kicks into gear?!?
Honestly I think when we start to see more wide blockchain adoption, every chain will have issues including ETH2.0 and BSC ... BSC is having issues already now .... with PoS implemented! This just shows how hard is to build decentralized smart chains on a scale.
I imagine going forward we will still have a lot of centralization with just a part of it touching the decentralized blockchains, a low amount of data interacting with the blockchain.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You're probably right!