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RE: Michael Saylor's Financial Advice To Turkey

in LeoFinancelast year

The problem in Turkey stems from a scarcity of foreign currencies such as the Euro and USD. The primary issue lies in the imbalance between imports and exports. When a country's expenditures in foreign currencies, primarily imports, are not adequately supported by the availability of foreign currency reserves, the country must rely on its own resources to purchase foreign currency. Consequently, there is a significant demand for foreign currency, leading to an increase in its cost. Therefore, neither backing the currency with Bitcoin nor backing it with gold would effectively resolve the issue.

If any cryptocurrency were to assist, individuals should consider investing in USDT or Bitcoin for personal savings and leave foreign currency trading to companies that possess sufficient cash reserves in USD or Euros for their business operations. However, even in this scenario, the assistance provided is limited.


Why invest in USDT?

USDT because its value remains stable and it is perceived as relatively risk-free when compared to other alternatives.
Non-stable cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or others are considered too risky by the majority of individuals in this scenario.