btc and cryptos are here to stay and they can't do anything about it, especially at this point. Maybe some new regulation and taxes but only that. After so many big players are involved it's hard to "contain it"
Maybe it's easier in countries like Nigeria but still, they can use a vpn and problem solved!
I also hate all those "influencers and experts" that just tweet and talk about btc and cryptos manipulated people. They act like they know it all but they have no clue. I guess i will write a post about them later on today :P cause i just wrote one!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
What bugs me is all the crypto "influencers" who talk about crypto yet do are not a part of it. They are talking about crypto on a web 2.0 platform only. They are not involved themselves in the industry anymore than a newscaster is actually making the news.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
As long as people are worshiping them, believing they know everything, they are going to do it as they get attention and probably get paid for it too.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That exactly. In a way, it's like people reading the news, without being where it happens. Plus they are banking on it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The most valuable commodity in the world is the peoples' attention, a nice quote I heard this morning.
We are moving towards the "attention economy". Where people put their eyeballs has value.
That is what will make Hive successful. We are developing things which will bring people's attention.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
exactly! It's all about making quick money without actually understanding the radical change it can bring