Polydragon Finance, Fire RFI Token

in LeoFinance4 years ago


Good morning Lions I hope you're all doing ferociously well today I can understand if you're a little under the weather if you were in CUB and looking at the numbers it doesn't look too good.

I know how I'm feeling I put in about $6000 at the $8 mark and I have a long way to go to regain ground. But as mentioned before this is quite common in tokenomics. Initially there's a boom that drives price and then a dip and low followed by a doubling of the initial high. This can take as long as 12 months so don't FUD just yet keep on BUIDL!.

It does go to show one thing though, alot of factions start complaining about reward farming and flag wars have occured. Those same people aped into CUB and bailed with all the highs. Literally farming the reward pools. As I've been on the block chain for 4 years I've produced a significant amount less posts than they have I also have never used bid bots. You're account has done well, well done. I'd appreciate it if you didn't constantly attack others. Hive isnt going anywhere it will only grow, you're not going to miss out on rewards. Also as I'm 4 years on the block chain I'm still bringing in Fiat not selling. It is people like me and the many others that are lifting and holding the token price. So your success is bound to us spending. Attacking us will only push people who spend and use the platform away. When no money comes in, well you know what happens.


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Yesterday I wrote about Polygon which is the former Matic network and currently still uses the Matic token as its native token. Current price discovery is occurring and the token is booming, I got in as I didn't want to miss this ones bull run. This isn't financial advise but I can see it reaching $50.

Most recently to launch on the network is Polydragon which has the native token fire. It is an interesting combination of RFI and yield farming. Polydragon.io allows you to stake the token into a Den which has a similar look to CUB Finance. I believe it is built off the open source code from Pancake swap.

How is is tracking?


At current it is still early days but the token is mooning. As it is an RFI token which gives you divs for simply HODL the token in your wallet you can earn a greater yield by staking it in either one of two farms. The USDC - Fire pair in the forge or just straight in the DEN.

Slippage needs to be increased between 8% and 11% this is to ensure the liquidity pool has a continuous supply of tokens and HODLrs are provided with ongoing divs, but the rewards are far greater in the staking farms.


Yield rewards are currently sitting at 400% in the paired forge. With news emerging that there will be a Matic staking forge to be released. Every since Polydragona announcement and roll out the price of Matic has continued to go on a bull run.

Polydragon Finance has also been moving up the ranking lists quite nicely for a new project. Currently sitting at 31st position in the matic network and 145 in Defi rank and only 260s for entire market rankings. I'd anticipate this token to make it into the top 100 within the next few days.

How to access

So, it's a relatively new network and barriers to access are many, there's an entire set up, bridge and multiple links to go through to get you onto the network.

Bridging USDC from BSC to Ethereum is also a challenging process as liquidity is low but so are fees. You end up with an ERC20 token for less than Ethereum fees. Thus is why Matic will boom. Access to ERC20 but for a fraction of the price.






Set a new MATIC Network (not token) in your wallet app.

Details if needed:
Network Name: Matic Network

ChainID: 137
Symbol: MATIC
SIMPLY USE THE TOOL IN THIS LINK TO SET NETWORK http://chainlist.org New RPC URL: https://rpc-mainnet.maticvigil.com/ Block Explorer URL: https://explorer.matic.network/

After setting up MATIC Network in your wallet app:
Stay in BSC and swap the amount you wish to exchange to USDC on Pancake Swap
Once you have USDC on BSC, use https://www.xpollinate.io/ to transfer USDC from BSC to Matic Network

SET USDC AS CUSTOM TOKEN IN MATIC NETWORK WITH CONTRACT 0x2791bca1f2de4661ed88a30c99a7a9449aa84174

In case you have transferred USDT from BSC to MATIC, you can still swap USDT to USDC at

Quickswap can also be used to swap to various other currencies on MATIC Network. https://quickswap.exchange/#/swap

If you have access to telegram there is also a great video tutorial which can be found Here

Don't get too excited

There's a reason why I brought up CUB and reward farming at the commencement of this post. CUB was able to be reward pool farmed due to low supply and the ability of Hive whales to go all in and take a larger portion of the pie and then leave.

This is fine, there is nothing wrong with it I do not hold any ill feelings or thoughts to people that did that. That is the system, just like I don't complain about the amount of rewards someone earns or the amount someone posts on Hive/Leo. I do have an opinion on double standards, I don't often voice it but I do think some people are silly. Shows their greed over a supportive and successful ecosystem.

But, who cares? Just ignore it and move on it is what it is.

RFI changes or at least weakens this by having an abundance of supply Fire the yield farming token has a circulating supply of 1,000,000,000,000,000. This high supply coupled with the tax which ensures liquidity prevents massive buy outs and over valuation and more organic growth occurs.

You can follow the tokens stats and growth Here

If you're going to invest in Matic please be sure you need a minimum of 81 to undertake a transfer so if your looking to buy in and want to move them around make sure you have a plan in place to reach the 81 amount otherwise you might be stuck on an exchange.

There is also a Matic forcet which will provide you with 0.001 Matic to undertake your first transfer. I haven't shared the link as I haven't used it so I'm not sure how it works or risk associated with it.

Use services at your own risk.

I hope you enjoyed today's post and I'd recommend keeping an eye on the Matic network which will put Ethereum back on the map.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks for the insights! As far as CUB goes, and hive in general I would say NEVER underestimate the amount of greed here, it's exceptionally high. At the same time I think that describes pretty much all of crypto and will for another decade. As long as a do-nothing coin like DOGE is on the first page of coingecko this whole space is a joke and in a massive bubble. That said there is some cool innovation happening to get excited about, and I'm personally really curious how well the new breed of Reflection tokens will do. As you described above it solves some problems, time will tell i guess. Yeah I'm looking to MATIC for new project, I'm with you, I think there will be lots of growth here, and with all EVM compatible chains and those still to come. There will be some gems hidden amongst the piles of trash, keep those eyes open pal! I think you've inspired me to write a post today about reflection tokens, I'll try to get a link in over to this post, cheers.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Time for me to do more research on this project. Where to buy, white paper, etc...

The monster gains may be gone..but perhaps just large gains remain. :)

50$ sounds attainable in a bull run!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Coinbase has it listed, I'm nit sure about Binance but Ive been buying off an Aussie exchange. You can also purchase from their quickswap thats linked to polygon. You need to transfer from USDC binance to USDC ERC20. But dont freak out. Fees are a fraction of a cost.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Access to ERC20 but for a fraction of the price.

There are a lot of these networks lately but it sure does sound interesting. I think it does sound an interesting token model but does it have the same risks as normal farms? Like can you still get something like impermanent loss similar to Defi?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Important to note that this is a working product. I transferred BSC to ERC20 for bugger all and then one old for fire again for bugger all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Impermanent loss occurs from any paired token. But the divs paid to your wallet I guess could mitigate it if you kept some aside in you're wallet instead of staked to gain.

The aim of the game for RFI is to HODL.

The token as been booming 2 days now, I'm sure there will be a correction at some point. It was only .38 cents a few weeks ago so no doubt a few would be waiting for instant million.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I didn't know about this platform so thanks for sharing!

It does sound interesting but I'm afraid it's a bit complicated for a beginner such as myself hehehe I think I'll stick to what I know on Cub for now!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This looks great @melbourneswest. I am highly interested in Polygon and everything associated with it. Can you please tell me what's RFI? Couldn't understand its meaning even while looking at the context.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

RFI = Reflective Finance. It's pretty much the new Defi method where you get paid divs straight to your wallet no need to stake.

I go into it abit here:

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sounds interesting to me. Will have a look at the article. Thanks a lot!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Your post was promoted by @finguru

It sounds like RFI is simpler than traditional DEFI. Thanks for sharing, @melbourneswest. This is new to me so I have a bit of learning to do. Have a !PIZZA, man.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



$PIZZA@melbourneswest! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @juanvegetarian.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza

Wow I have seen the graphs and it looks like a good bet, I will investigate it further as it interests me, as it has an apr of 1800% but I feel a little insecure as it only has 53$, but something I could not find is the price in CMC, could you put the link please? as I looked for FIRE and I got another token, so I do not know how this token will be called in CMC.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are observing everywhere how the pages of (farm) are becoming more and more recognized and much more secure thanks to the smart contracts of the different blockchains, some of these being in the 2nd or 3rd layers of the different blockchains ... the project of the old matic network now called Polygon is growing surrealistically, although I differ a bit on the issue that the token will reach 50 dollars because I do not believe it at the moment although it is having an upward trend I do not see it arrive at 50 usd at least in 4 years.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

this dragon looks liek seawing from wings of fire comic books my mom buys me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha that's pretty cool, I wonder if it was the inspiration for it.