I've been banging on about Luna last few days but the more I find out the more alluring it is. Currently just hype but looks like Terra Network will have a card that you can load with crypto and just go shopping. Currently they have a dapp which is mainly being used successfully in South Korea.
Bit of a rally due to colombus 5 upgrade but who knows if it will dip or rally more once completed. Interesting times ahead for Terra.
I am guessing its mainly supported in Korea right? It seems there is a lot of hype but I think I will avoid it for now.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Terra (LUNA) is big in South Korea and Southeast Asia more broadly. It can work elsewhere, but that's where the greatest activity is. Part of that is due to the acceptance and proliferation of mobile payment systems (among them Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and whatever was made regionally). With 45+ of those mobile payment systems used there, there is great incentive to use Terra.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Do you know if they have some sort of stable coin?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
ahh nevermind my question on the stable coins.
Right after I posted it, I saw your next comment and there was the answer I wanted lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Don't forget. Every transaction on Terra Network burns LUNA and take it out of the supply forever. Once more hype builds around it holders will get benefited hugely.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Not every tranasction-- it depends on the performance of the stablecoins (TerraUSD, TerraSKW, TerraJPY, etc.) LUNA is burned or created as needed in order to the stablecoins to be as close as possible to their targets.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is great. I am not looking to get into anything else right now. Just sticking with those projects on the HIVE blockchain with a focus on Leo Finance its projects.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
So much is happening on Hive that it's possible to diversify within Layer 2-- and even then within that section of Layer 2 where your interest lies.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I know right
So many great opportunities! At least we don't need to drift away from Hive if we don't want to because we have a lot going on here as well
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's very interesting. I need to dig deeper into it because I still didn't have the time
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh it's mooning now. Once colombus 5 comes out which partners with cosmos and becomes cross chain. Who knows what will happen. Maybe alot of hype atm.