Remember how much money governments print out of thin air… and then put the debt of interest on you to pay, while going and blowing trillions on war budgets, corporate subsidies supporting anti-life/health systems & agendas, and a wide variety of what’s essentially politically-sanctioned money laundering.
Kinda crazy to see/read anyone on this platform even suggesting there might be such a thing as “fair” tax on income, given the libertarian-lean of many here into crypto & it’s philosophical roots. Lol.
One of the best simple reasonable alternate many have discussed elsewhere before: do away with the coercive, extortion-based slave-system of tax on income altogether and simply implement something like a 12% tax on all non-essential goods & services to make up for it. economics have crunched the numbers for simulations and they surprisingly end up with more revenue for the government in the end.
And then another potential puzzle piece to answer some of your questions: more entrepreneurship by/from/through conscious individuals utilizing the same systems and strategies differently - not just complaining about corporate tax cuts, but actually rechanneling the wealth we ourselves create, utilizing those incentives & strategies to build businesses that do some of the change we’d like to see in the world, putting some of it in the hands of others doing ‘good work.’ Like yeah, in some countries we might pay up to 50% if we wanna be rich ourselves… versus putting the same capital to work through a corporation of our own design & management, playing the game so less tax $ going to corrupt governments blowing it on stupid shit so there’s more to employee others and build things the world needs more of (in our opinions). “Own nothing, control everything.” Some guys might want a Lambo in their name and lots of cash sitting in the banks… the wealthy are content carrying good debt funding assets’ constructive allocation, driving the car owned by their corporation, using stuff like life insurance as part of an investment strategy, and aiming for lower personal net income so there’s more to recirculate creatively rather than give it to political crooks to squander. I’ve spent alot of time & energy in resistance to the reality of tax matters, but over time have come to see this might be the best way (for those who educate themselves and execute). As much as many of us might like to see grand sweeps of change beneficially affecting all, “be the change” philosophy might just have its greatest opportunities when it comes to these matters in the domain of more conscious entrepreneurship. (Of course, that may also be oversimplified, biased, and not practical/possible in/for many situations, too.) That or some crazy black swan idealistic revolution, lol.
You are mistaken.
Personally and since taxes aren't going anywhere, I am in favor of a single, flat tax rate, where everyone pays the same, no matter what is earned
Takes aren't going anywhere. It is a process that will take decades to change, let alone abolish entirely. People can argue all they want for a different system, and what would work, but the problem is, they can't get it implemented, making all the rants about tax impotent. Unless there is a near cataclysmic event of the human race, it is going to be an incremental change.
Are you suggesting that governments are okay the way they are to handle more money?
See the problem? They aren't going anywhere very fast either. There are far better systems for governance as we know, but try to flick a switch and make the change.
Even "be the change" only works when there is personally positive incentive behind changing, or heavy negative. We don't want to have to pay the cost as an individual, for what affects everyone, and the first to change, will pay the most. It is an adoption curve, and there is very little incentive to make changes that benefit society, and there is active influence to maintain the status quo.
We as a mass of people can defund a government overnight. We can kill any corporation in an instant. But as individuals, there is very little that we can do, fast.
Oh hell no, lol. I probably went off on a bit of a tangent/rant, while not speaking to the “taxes are not enough” point - which I do concur with (and thought might be apparent in the opening remark about how governments tend to spend.)
For sure, these are quite big, complex “problems”/issues, with no quick & easy solutions everyone could agree upon… let alone get implemented effectively. For sure, it may be “interesting” to watch in the years ahead as many of the old ways & institutions are failing & crumbling - likely much chaos while a new order emerges out of it (IF does)…