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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 44: See || Hear || Feel - Win HIVE

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Wow, this one really surprised me in a way that I didn't expect.

As you say the human being has a capacity for adaptation and it is impressive, I was delighted in those people who despite having some lack of these senses lead normal lives. I had a teacher on a diploma course who had a hearing loss, and although it is a partial loss, I was motivated to see her fulfilled and enjoying teaching classes (with her hearing devices).

How can I do without something so important and enjoyable? Seeing sunrises or the expressive smile of children, feeling the textures of life or not hearing the melody of a voice.

If in some hypothetical case I had to choose between them, I would choose to feel, it is not less than the others, however the other two connect me personally with my soul and my spirit.


Many have chosen the loss of the ability to touch and feel...Not something I think I'd be able to do but we all have our reasons. It's been cool to see everyone's thoughts on this question and thank you for yours.


There has already been too much ENGAGE today.