Hearing can be replaced and actually improved upon via technology better than feeling or touch. Modern survival, it is difficult to triangulate where the gunshot emanated from, glasses with HUD and almost instant triangulation. People speaking a language you do not understand and they are looking in your direction thinking you are an easy mark because of your hearing difficulties, no problem instant voice to text translation and you can read what they are saying, any language that is installed.
Out in the woods pretty much the same thing, is it a bear, a cougar or just a rabbit that made that noise? In time would the sound tech be able to determine that? Can people in a city know what made that sound in that woods?
Touch is to important to lose.
It's also quite difficult to imagine. We all know silence and darkness but...the sense after I wake up in a tent with my arm senseless for a while because it has spent hours beneath my body — that's quite weird.