I am going to have to say hearing.
You can somewhat overcome losing your sense of smell, sight, taste, or hearing. But if you lose your sense of touch, you wouldn't be able to sit up or walk. You wouldn't be able to feel pain.
That would be too much for me. I don't want to lose any buy, sight? I would never be able to see the world again, the face of my lover, the smile of my children...
Hearing? I wouldn't want to, but, having already known the hearing word, I could imagine what it sounds like, learn to lip-synch, or perhaps the cochlea would work on me.
I'm with you, losing any senses would be very challenging, not just from the physical aspect but from the emotional one also.
Hearing is my choice also, for the same reasons as you. Sure, not hearing the words I love you, the emotion and voice of the person saying it...Would be hard, but still, the other two senses are indispensable to me.
It would be difficult emotionally, but I would be able to read lips, so coping with life would be doable. At the very least, possible.
It's a logical choice for sure.