[WE114] Finishing the sentence.


Okay it's that time of the weekend in this community again where we get to choose between nice topics.

Throughout today I have been a little too lazy to put some words together but with the topics I am seeing today here, I think I should write something. No, I know I have to write something.

I've carefully scanned the topics and I found interest in two topics here. Although I don't know if the rules of the engagement allows us to write on two topics. If it is not then maybe I'll be breaking the rule. And I hope I get forgiven. So like my catch phrase has always been sit back grab a glass of wine and read on as I'll be writing on the two topics below 👇

1 "The one thing I will never regret in my life is…"

  1. "I don't understand people who…"

First I will be speaking on the first topic above because it is something I do not speak too often with people. It is something that only a few understand how it truly feels. Something I did not bring on myself, but I grew knowing that you are the result of another man's mistakes. Love the said happened and now you have to live with it all through life.

I grew up being sick almost all the time. I hardly knew the reasons for the frequent sickness. I felt feeble amongst my peers. I battled insecurities and inferiority complexes a lot until I asked my Dad why it was so with me. Well, turns out Dad and Mum are of the AS genotype. That explains my frequent visits to the hospital.

Now do I regret being born? Or do I blame my parents for their mistake. The answer is actually NO. Because I have never felt love the way they've shown me love and I'm not ready to let my situation be a barrier for who I want to be or what I want to become in life. I appreciate life and wish to get the best out of it. I'm ready to help fellow warriors walk this stormy seas in any little way I can. Forward ever backward never had always been my mantra. Let the past be the past.

So the one thing I will never regret in my life is being born a warrior.

Moving to the next topic - there is absolutely one thing I have not really placed my finger on. Like I have not fully come to understanding people who behave or indulge in such acts and their reasons for it.

I do not understand people who scam or defraud others and how they sleep so well at night taking from an old woman or man, young man or woman their hard earned savings. I'm still trying to understand people like that and how their conscience never pricks them. Or don't they have conscience at all.

Maybe I'm being all righteous and all, but I hope one day people see reasons to value others' hard work and don't try to trick them and take it from them.

That's all from me guys. Hope you all have a nice weekend. ✌️
This is a weekend engagement ongoing at Weekend Experience. To join click here


I'm glad don't regret being born.. you will win the war ..

Sometimes there is no choice but to break the rules, but that doesn't mean we are doing something wrong if in purpose it is for something good. Unfortunately, I am not a judge and I have no power of decision in this opportunity, but for me, it is forgiven.
Like you, I am a warrior, I am a cat upside down, a fighter, an entrepreneur. And that is excellent in a human being, that attitude is what leads one to success.
Like you, I don't understand those vile people, with bad intentions, who look for the easy, the perverse, the harm to others. But this world is like that and that is where being a warrior helps us not to be run over.
Congratulations on your good content my friend.Hi @ezegburugburu.

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Thank you for the kind reply. We'll win the war.