Oh god.. this is much more difficult question than I was expecting 😂
After reading your prompt, I went on a little hike and unintentionally started throwing this question around my head quite a bit.
At first, the answer was easy for me.. touch. My interests, passions, and life all revolve around sight and sound. I'm a fairly active person, and it would be very very difficult for myself not to be. Therefore I need my sight. I'm also extremely interested in the arts that both involve sight and sound. Film is a huge interest of mine. Music is arguably just as big for me. Photography. Painting. Back to film, not just the visual aspects but the ways in which the audio interacts with the video.
But, then, I started thinking about what losing touch actually meant. I don't think I could even type without a sense of touch. Romantic life? Gone. And I don't just mean sexually. But I feel that it would be difficult for romance to last on any real level without some form of touch. There can be so much meaning to even just a comforting hand or a hug. I couldn't cuddle with my dog. I couldn't enjoy taking showers. I feel like losing a sense of touch would eradicate most of the pleasures in my life.
Taking all that into consideration, I think I have to go with hearing. I would be devastated, but I could still continue to do the things that I enjoy and I'm sure eventually I would somewhat adjust to the loss of hearing. It was a close tie with sight. Feeling, however, went from my first to ABSOLUTE last choice.
That was a really interesting one.. and difficult.
What a great and thought out answer here man! I too first thought of touch as it is one I could live without. Having a romantic partner and all that though really complicated it and I think your choice is definitely a good one. We could certainly figure out a way to get the replacement of sound into our lives again! Could the same be said for touch though? Technology that helps somehow with visual or hearing stimulation for touch? Interesting thought experiment!
Imagine trying to skate without feeling in your body!? hahah. I mean, I guess maybe it would be interesting then though because you wouldn't feel pain? I guess there's a lot of open interpretation as to what loss of touch actually means!
I doubt any technological solution to touch would be nearly the same. I mean, I know it's not for hearing or sight, either, but touch.. I don't know. It would feel too artificial. I feel as though sight and hearing are functional commodities, however touch is a much more personal and emotional thing. It's difficult to imagine having a very personal experience in life without touch. The others, I could see myself adapting to. But it seems to me that touch is an entirely different thing. Sure, visuals and audio evoke emotions within yourself. However, touch is actually living that emotion.
Visuals and audio can often be passive while touch is always personal. Maybe that's what I'm trying to say?
I knew the topic would be hard this week but it's been so interesting to see the reasoning behind each person's choice, including yours.
Like you I would go with hearing, as per my last post. For the same reasons as you actually. Sure, there's so much to lose but sight and touch? No way I would want to go without them.
Yeah I stand pretty firm on my decision with that one. That was by far the toughest question of this nature I’ve had to think about in a really long time! Thank you!
It's pretty confronting. I mean imagine blindfolding yourself the moment after you read this comment. Imagine that blindfold on for 1 week...I think that would be an interesting week. Losing any senses would challenge a person's resolve I think.