Yup smell would've been a 'no brainer' alongside the other options. I'm a little disturbed at how many are choosing touch so quickly. This was the one that I had to retain tbh. Alongside sight, these form so many of the meaningful moments of life.
I do wonder if age plays a part in the choice demographic. I think we value some things that may have been taken for granted a lot more in our younger days.
I'd never choose touch out of these three...I'd miss too much I think, and yes I think age and circumstance is playing a part in the responses. It's an interesting discussion though right?
Incredibly interesting, massively engaging too... Some may say that's kinda the point in an engagement initiative 😂
I think it's a quandary we've all contemplated at one time or another but never had to hone in on a definitive answer till now!
Oh dear, that hashtag was most out of character! 🧐
Kudos on that hashtag mate...But what have you done with the real stevenwood? Lol.
Gave him a kinda makeover, A bit like Olivia Newton John at the end of Grease, only I would've stubbed the cigarette end out on Travolta's baby-ass creased chin!
Wow! This 'life keeps kicking me in the balls', pissed off vibe is following me around on the blockchain this week ahaha
My new signoff is gonna be:
"When life gives you lemons, throw citric acid in the eyes of your enemies!"
Catchy Huh? 😂
I like your new sign-off...Don't confuse the the citric acid with battery acid though.