Ahahahaha Edward nihilism is my middle name, what can I tell ya?
What about sense of self importance?
Aahh crap no, what self respecting Englishman could ever do away with that and you've spent too long here, you're probably infected by the British variant of that... To the batcave drawing board it is once more 😒
Dear Sir Steven Edward Wood and his majesty:
You're making it a lot easier to say eye sight.
Cheerie-0, chap!
Ask my family, my colleagues my
non-existentfriends, they would tell you that after 5 minutes in my company and you would circle the hearing option three times!!!Although they also despite my gratuitous overuse of
cross it outstrikethrough too, so what do they know?Three? What happens now?! I already circled it four times.
Oof! Dan killzzz the thread... Really nowhere to go after that truthbomb!
5th time's the charm...😁
Where's your Covid complaint bank robbery disguise?! Overkill?