An interesting and creative storyline, @alosiusmbaba. Your MC experiences subconscious dreams while still awake and they provide him with answers to questions across scientific, mathematics, and medical fields, turning him into some sort of savant who wins awards and scholarships and goes on to make a life from his seemingly incurable condition, despite never having studied in these fields. It feels like the gains are perhaps a little unrealistic though. Remember that sometimes less is more. As a reader, I feel like you needed to do some foreshadowing to make his newfound knowledge more plausible. It also needed a stronger character arc... to show the character's growth. Perhaps an angle to explore: one of his insights could have been the cure for his illness... and the dilemma that would have caused him. Cure himself and lose the ability to make all these scientific breakthroughs or discard the cure and continue to help humanity. A nice unusual piece. I enjoyed it.
Thanks for reading my article and for your nice suggestions. I will keep them in mind for my next story. Thanks for coming around, @samsmith1971.